St. John's Dairy Farm

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"So, this dairy... You guys really have food?"

"Sure do!" Andy cheerfully replies to Mark. "We've lost most of the cattle, but we still have lots of milk, butter, and cheese stocks up."

Dan nods as he chimes in, "and with the vegetables we grow, we've got plenty of food!"

Lee and Carley hang back from the others, Mark and Ben talking to the brothers some more.

"It's nice to get away from that motel for a while," Carley looks around at the scenery, sighing softly in relief. This Lilly-Kenny thing is starting to get ridiculous. Personally, I'd be happier if you started to take charge more."

Lee chuckles, shaking his head. "You think they'd want me for a leader?"

"Sure," Carley nods, looking to Lee. "Everybody looks up to you."

"Not everyone thinks I'm so trustworthy."

"... Because of your past? Does anyone else know?"

Lee heavily sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Larry knows."

Carley winces. "Great. That can't be easy."

"Clement and (Y/N) know," Lee adds. "They were there when we were talking in the drugstore, and asked me about it. I couldn't lie to them."

"What exactly did happen with the Senator?"

Lee's mouth curves up in a frown as he closes his eyes, shaking his head. "It was an accident. I mean... I pretty much knew about the affair. Sometimes I wonder if I should talk to the group about it..."

Carley's gaze moves back to Lee, "you don't have to. Whatever happened before things went to hell doesn't matter anymore."

"Not sure everyone would see it that way."

She frowns as she slowly nods. "Maybe you're right. But listen, I've reported on some pretty messed up shit. I've seen situations like yours a hundred times, and it doesn't have to make you a bad man."

Lee was quiet for a moment, a small smile forming on his face. "I really appreciate that."

They look up as Mark speaks again, mentioning Lee.

"-- thank God Lee showed up when he did. Right, Lee?"

Andy and Dan look back to Lee, slowing down and walking at both of his sides.

"Yeah, why don't you tell us a little more about yourself, Lee?" Andy smiles, Carley moving away.

"Where are ya from?" Dan questions.

Lee looks between the two, "I... grew up in Macon."

(?) Andy will remember that

"Right here in the heart of Georgia!" Andy chuckles, nodding appreciatively. "That's what I like to hear."

The three were quiet for a moment as they continue walking, Andy breaking the silence.

"Y'all seem pretty settled in at that motor inn. Who's running things over there?"

Lee's eye slightly twitches at the question as he reluctantly says, "Lilly. She runs a pretty tight ship. Her and her dad are ex-millitary."

(?) The St. John brothers took note of that

"Yeah, she knows her shit," Mark scoffs, looking back. "But she needs to know when to back off sometimes."

Dan side-eyes Lee, questioning in a nonchalant tone, "how many people you got over there, anyway?"

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