Christa and Omid

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Power couple Christa and OMIDDDD

Honestly, I love them both. The differences in their personalities balance them perfectly, and the love they have for one another is so nice

Not to mention Omid is hilarious. He never lost his light or sense of humor, even though the world went to shit




Chuck looks ahead with a frown, Kenny's face crestfallen and his eyes wide in horror at the sight before he grits his teeth in fury.

Clement hops down from the boxcar, his feet crunching the soil beneath him as (Y/N) drops down besides him. Lee follows, peering ahead with a confused expression as Kenny climbs down from the train and faces the wreckage.

On the highway above was a rig, half still ontop of the highway and the lower half draped in front of the tracks, blocking the way forward.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!" Kenny screams in anger, yanking his hat off with a growl as Ben and Lee join him.

"... Maybe-- Maybe we could walk?"

Kenny scoffs, agressively putting his cap back on. "That's fucking stupid, Ben."

Ben winces, rubbing his neck. "I--I was just saying..."

Chuck climbs down the front of the train, humming in thought. "Hmm. I dunno, I ain't got much experience with y'all's fortitude, but we could probably deal with that. We got a God damn train."

Kenny looks at the rig with a scowl, turning his glare to Chuck. "That thing's not full of milk, Charles. That's gas. Or diesel. Something that's gonna explode."

Chuck frowns, turning to Kenny and setting his hands on his hips. "You gotta get ahold of yourself. This is a crew here."

Kenny lets out a bitter laugh, moving face-to-face with Chuck, "this ain't shit."


"Yo!" a voice calls from above with a humorous tone, cutting in to Kenny and Chuck's argument. "Keep screaming like that, and you're gonna get your face chewed off!"

They look up, a man with a stubble and black hair standing on the highway. A woman appears at his side, her curly brown hair pulled back into a bun.

"Are you guys going to be trouble?" the woman demands, her tone much less friendly than the man's. "Because we could've just kept walking."

Lee takes a few steps forward with his hands raised, "no, we're friendly. Put your hand down, Ken."

He hisses the last part to Kenny, noticing he was reaching back for his pistol.

Christa raises a brow, scoffing. "That's what everybody says."

Lee can't help but let out a short laugh in agreement, "we know."

(?) They'll remember that

"Let's give these guys a break," Omid urges, a small grin on his face.

Christa didn't seem convinced. "We'll see."

Omid wasn't phased, smiling fondly to Christa before turning to face Lee. "You guys got a problem with your train?"

"Yeah," Kenny huffs, gesturing to the rig. "You're standing right in front of it."

"Dude, it's a wreck," Omid nonchalantly replies, looking over the wreck with a grin. "It's not so bad from up here. Send your buddy up to have a look."

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