Too Much Salt

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This was actually a super hard choice for me

Because on one hand, Larry could have possibly been revived, and no matter how much of an ass he was he deserves a chance

But on the other, Remember at the Drugstore. Lilly says sometimes his attacks were so bad he needed to go to the hospital or would die. They didnt have that luxury in this situation.

And Kenny had a valid point

The turning could be from a few seconds to a few hours, and Larry was a beefy, huge dude. They would have an extremely difficult time holding him down to kill him once he turned.

Though when I did try the option to help, I noticed his mouth moved. Turning or gaining consciousness? We shall never know...

I think Lee would probably choose what I did, for Clementine's sake and protection




Lee slowly starts to wake up, groggy and the sides of his vision dark.

"Open the Goddamn door up!"

"Lee? Lee?"

The sound of Larry shouting and Lilly vomiting enter Lee's ears, his vision still a little blurry.

"You can't keep us in here! Open up! I will tear you fuckers apart with my bare hands!!"

"Will you stop that banging!" Kenny shouts, "we've gotta find another way out of here!"

Lilly gags, retching before puking again in the corner.

"You sick fucking bastards!" Larry continues screaming. "Open this fucking door, God damn it! I will knock the God damn door down!"

"Dad, stop!"

Clement softly gasps when he notices Lee sitting up, his grip tight around (Y/N)'s doll.

"Lee!" he rushes over, breathing heavily. "It was a person! They tried to make us eat a person!"

"But you and (Y/N) didn't do it," Lee reassures, groaning as he props himself up on the wall.

"The rest of us did, God damn it!" Larry snarls as he turns to Lee. "If you hadn't dragged your feet--!"

"Come on, dad!" Lilly snaps as she pants lightly, holding her stomach. "Now's not the time!"

Lee ignores Larry, focusing on Clement. "You okay, Clement? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"No, but Lee, they have (Y/N)! They kept her out there!" Clement's eyes water as he rises, Lee's face hardening as he pushes himself to get up.

"Don't worry, we'll get her back," Lee softly says, looking around the meat locker.

"Open up!!" Larry still screams.

"Lee!" Kenny rushes over, pacing frantically. "Those psychos have my family and (Y/N). And we're stuck in a damn meat locker! We've gotta get the fuck out of here!"

Larry huffs furiously as he walks over. "This Goddamn thumbsucker was the one who brought us here!"

Kenny steps in front of Lee, "will you just shut the fuck up?!"

He yells, turning and continuing his search for a way out as Larry continues screaming and banging on the door.

"I'm scared for her, Lee," Clement's hand tightens around her doll as he looks down at it, Lee setting his hand over his head.

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