
390 37 9

Ahh, the cancer survivor group!

Honestly, Vernon is such a good character.

But totally screwed the main group over.

But I understand-- he did what he had to to keep HIS group alive. Still, asshole move he pulled. One that didnt pay off based on the 400 days DLC where that one guy says their group fell apart after that




Lee swiftly slides down the manhole ladder, the walkers above snarling as they reach for him. One falls through the manhole, crashing onto the concrete flooring and bashing her brain in.

Lee pants lightly, staring down at her before looking up at the light.

"Clement, (Y/N)! Can you two hear me?!"

He waits for a reply anxiously, but receives none.

"If you can hear me, just get back to the house, okay? I'll meet you there!" he promises.

Lee takes a deep breath as he looks around the dark sewers, groaning. "Shit."

He drags a hand down the side of his face as he makes his way further into the sewers, hoping for another way out. He walks along the cracked flooring and discovers a slanted tunnel, his only way further in.

Lee carefully starts shimmying down the slope, water splashing against his shoes. He lets out a yell as he slips and falls onto his back, sliding down the rest of the slope and landing on his butt on the other side.

He groans in disgust as he rises, shaking the water from his hands and eyeing a pair of torn apart rat corpses near him.

"Half eaten sewer rats... Walkers must be down here too," he murmurs under his breath.

Lee sighs through his nose as he continues to follow the pipes along the walls, rounding a corner and freezing in his tracks.

A large group of walkers was a few feet ahead of him, snarling and groaning as they tear at a corpse and chew on the flesh. Lee quickly ducks down and rushes into a small passagway, hoping the walkers didn't see him.

He takes a look around, spotting a green valve on a pipe. He experimentally turns it to the right, making it squeak as the pipe begins rattling.

Lee looks around, waiting for something to happen, when water starts spewing out besides him, luckily behind a grate.

A walker takes notice due to the sound, snarling as he swings at the water.

"Good thing I'm out here and not in there," Lee quietly sighs in relief.

He winces and jumps as the green valve snaps off the pipe, clattering loudly on the floor as he cringes and grits his teeth. 

Snarling makes him look to his right, a walker now standing where he had entered the tunnel from.

"... Shit."

Lee refrains from groaning loudly in annoyance as he crouch-walks the other direction, coming across a metal gate blocking the way out. He takes out Molly's ice pick, setting it between the lever and placing his foot on the wall for leverage.

He grunts with effort as he manages to slide the lever open, panting softly as he slowly pushes the gate open and crawls out of the passage.

He rises to his full height, rolling his shoulder as his back cracks. Lee can still hear the walkers blocking his path, making him look around for a distraction.

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