Voice on the Radio

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Already at the end of Episode 3!

Not much of this game left 😭😭

I will be doing the 400 Days DLC, though, so we still have a ways to go

Also, I did a little oopsie

I had no idea there wasn't much of this episode left, so this is SUPER short D:

Don't worry, the next chapter should be updated right after this one to make up for it! ❤❤




Lee sighs softly as he looks through the train's broken window, the sun steadily rising in the distance after a night's worth of traveling.

He had managed to convince Kenny to get some rest luckily, and took over keeping an eye on the tracks for him.

He glances to his side, smiling softly at the sight of Clement and (Y/N). Clement was sleeping on the floor with his back propped up on the wall, (Y/N) resting in the chair besides him curled up in a ball.

His eyes trail down to the bag besides Clement, a drawing of Kenny peeking out along with (Y/N)'s doll.

Lee stands from the chair and walks over to the two, squatting down and taking out the drawing. His smile falls at the image, Katjaa and Duck standing with Kenny with happy smiles on their faces. He closes his eyes with a heavy sigh as he puts it back, Kenny entering the car.

Kenny yawns, dark bags under his eyes from barely getting any sleep. A weak, but optimistic smile spreads on his face as he looks to Lee.

"Next stop, the Atlantic."

Lee exhales through his mouth as he rises, nodding. "We have to find a boat. We just have to."

"We will," Kenny reassures, to both him and Lee.

Lee sets a hand on Kenny's shoulder, noticing his weak state. "You'll be all right," he promises.

Kenny bitterly smiles. "I'll be alive, I guess. Blood in my heart, blood in my brain at least."

Lee frowns, his hand dropping from Kenny's shoulder as he rubs his neck. "I'll... Leave you to your thoughts."

He turns back to the two kids, a fondness gleaming in his eyes. "They're out cold like I've never seen."

A static sound makes Lee jump, (Y/N) stirring lightly from the noise before falling back asleep.

Lee's brows furrow as he squats down to Clement's backpack, moving (Y/N)'s doll aside and grabbing Clement's radio. Kenny walks over, a concerned confusion evident on his face as the radio makes another static sound.

"Hell... O... There?"

Lee's eyes widen as a voice speaks, "What the..."

"Can't wait for you two to get to Savannah, Clement! I'm so excited to meet your darling little best friend, (Y/N)!" a man speaks, a chuckle lacing his words as he speaks with familiarity towards Clement. "I've got both of your parents right here, and you be sure to convince (Y/N) to come along to find me, whether Lee wants you both to or not. Now, what I need for you to--"

The radio stops, the connection cut off.

Lee's eyes were wide as he stared down at the radio in his palm in disbelief. "Holy shit."

"I-- I thought that fucking thing was broken!" Kenny shakes his head, him and Lee sharing a wide-eyed look.

"So did I."

Kenny scowls at the radio, "well... Sounds like somebody knows where we're headed."

Lee's fingers curl around the radio tightly. "Who the fuck..."

"I don't know," Kenny looks over at the city as it comes into view before looking over to the kids. "But I doubt we're going to be happy when we find out."

Lee's forehead crinkles in concern as he looks out the window, the sun climbing over the tall buildings of Savannah.




Next time, on The End of the World...

"We're almost at the river! You want to get on a boat, or you want to wait around until the walkers figure out we're here?"


Lee kneels down to a disheartened looking Clement, (Y/N) also sad but with a hint of understanding in her eyes.

"We need to focus on finding a boat right now, Clem. Like we talked about on the train."


Christa races back to Omid as he falls, holding his leg and gritting his teeth in pain.

"I don't know how much longer he can keep on like this! If his leg gets any worse, we're going to have to carry him!"

"... Or leave him," Kenny grumbles under his breath.


Lee takes out the walkie-talkie, scowling.

"If I were you, I'd get out of the streets, now!"

"Who the hell is this?! Answer me, damn it!"


"So, when were you going to tell us about the radio?" Christa demands.


"Who the hell have you been talking to, Clement?!"


Lee looks up at the sound of rustling, a dark figure standing not too far from him. The figure takes off as soon as Lee spots it.

"You come back here I'll kill you! You understand? I'll kill you!!"



Me and 40% of players shot the girl in the street

Me and 54% of players did not abandon Lilly

Me and 45% of players talked Kenny into stopping the train

Me and 81% of players shot Duck

Me and 60% of players helped Omid


GOD this is so SHORT


I'm so sorry! I thought there was still a little more to this episode!

Hopefully since I updated another chapter with this one, it makes up for the length

So, choices I made!

Could not let that girl suffer. Her terrified and pained screams were too much for me personally. I did not abandon Lilly because I didn't want to stoop to her level of murder. Leaving her is as good as killing her (Even though *spoiler* we know she aint dead)

I talked Kenny into stopping the train because we are bROS. I love Kenny. I shot Duck for Kenny because like Lee said, no parent should ever have to do something like that. And... I didn't really help Omid?

I deadass chose the silent option and he pushed my ass off the highway LMAOOO

Here we have it though! The end of episode 3! :D

Next chapter should already be up! ❤❤


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