Episode Two: Starved For Help

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Three Months Later...

Lee and Mark, a man with short black hair and blue eyes behind a frame of glasses, walk through the wooded area near the motel in search of food.

Lee creeps up behind a walker eating an animal corpse, raising his axe and swiftly bringing it down on his skull.

Mark walks over holding a rifle, a sigh leaving him. "Dammit. What'd they get this time?"

"Looks like a rabbit," Lee's nose scrunches up as he looks at the torn apart rabbit, its insides gone.

"Another meal lost." Mark grumbles as they walk. "I still can't believe we went through all that commissary food in three months. It seemed like so much at the time..."

"Maybe you shouldn't have opened your door."

Mark snickers, "yeah. Except then I'd probably be food by now. Trust me, I have no regrets."

Lee nods, a frown on his face. "A rabbit's hardly a meal... But I'd take it. We're all hungry."

"No kidding."

The two were quiet for a moment as they continued walking, Lee gripping his axe readily.

"When I accidentally grabbed for Carley's rations the other night, I thought she was gonna take off my hand!" Mark continues, shivering.

"We're all on edge," Lee defends, sighing. "Just cut her some slack."

"Yeah." Mark shrugs, nodding. "You're right. I wish I knew for sure how much food we have left."

Lee frowns as he shakes his head, "not enough. According to Lilly, we've just about hit the last of our food reserves. Some people might have to go without tonight."

"You mean Lilly's Lottery again?" Mark bitterly chuckles. "Kenny's gonna be pissed."

"She thinks everyone should have an equal chance of missing a meal."

Mark exhales loudly through his nose, looking around the forest. "You think Kenny's having any more luck than we are out here?"

"I sure hope so," Lee checks behind them, facing forward when he sees no walkers.

"Yeah," Mark sighs, "between the lack of food and Kenny and Lilly fighting all the time, things are getting pretty tense back at the Motor Inn."

He pauses, looking back to Lee.

"You know, Kenny's been talking about taking off if he can get the RV running."

Lee frowns, though he understood Kenny's reasons. "He's got a wife and son to look out for."

(?) Lee gave his opinion about Kenny

"And they're safest in a big group," Mark disagrees. "Going out on his own will get them all killed. I can't blame him, though... Did you hear Larry going off on him last night? What's the old guy's deal, anyway? Seems like he's got a problem with you in particular."

A crow flies overhead as Lee grumbles, a scowl on his face. "He thinks I'm a danger to the group. And to Clement and (Y/N)."

(?) Mark will remember that

"I think he's the one putting us in danger," Mark huffs, shaking his head as he watches the crow. "The way Lilly worried about his health... I wouldn't be surprised if she's been skimming rations for him. And I know Lilly thinks he's getting weaker, but the guy's all muscle! He's a walking piledriver!"

He shivers.

"I know I wouldn't want to he stuck in a room with him. Didn't he punch you in the face one time?"

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