We Stay Together

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The final part of the 5th and final episode )):

*throws boxes of tissues around*

You get tissues!




I literally cry when I'm writing sad scenes because, when I write, my mind like-- takes me THERE. So it's like I'm watching it happen in front of my eyes.

Hoo lord give me

s t r e n g t h

I can't believe I'm finishing this story! I remember barely starting it and thinking how long this was going to take.

I think it took around 3 months to finish, only because I was in the process of moving...

Anyway, onto the story!




Lee heads to the doors of the Marsh House, his eyes lingering on a station wagon parked outside. His brows knit together as he squints at it. His mind was fuzzy, but... It looked so familiar.

He shakes his head, and walks inside the building.


Lee walks down the halls slowly, his pupils shifting around to the dozens of room doors on either side of each hall.

He pauses when he hears a thump coming from one of the rooms, making him slowly press his ear up against it and listen.

Another thump occurs, but no snarling. Whatever was inside, was alive.

Lee slowly grabs the handle with his blood-soaked hand, opening the door with a smooth motion. He walks inside the large room, the door closing shut behind him.

There were two armchairs facing each other to his right, a bed to his left, and a desk tucked away by the other wall. His eyes land on a long rope tied between the closet and other door leading out, the handle jiggling and the door rattling. Lee walks over quietly, and reaches for the rope.

Footsteps thump softly behind Lee, making him swiftly turn around defensively.

A man he had never seen before was standing behind him, aiming a silver pistol at him. The strange man had short light brown hair and hazel eyes, and a pale complexion.

"... I got us adjoining rooms," the strange man says after a moment of tense silence.

Lee scowls at the man, his eyes burning with fury. This man was the reason they were dead. Kenny and Ben. And he was the reason he was bit.

"I'm going to kill you."

The strange man's eyes narrow. "I have a gun."

The look on Lee's face indicated he didn't really give a shit, and the man notices.

He looks Lee over, his eyes lingering on the walker guts and blood along his face and clothing. "You look horrible."

Lee doesn't reply, keeping his steady gaze on the man's eyes and intimidating him.

"... Go over there."

Lee's fist clenches, but he obliges, waiting for the moment he can strike.

"Put your things down."

"Let us out, you big bully!" Clement yells from the closet, the door rattling roughly.

"Lee's coming, you'll see!" (Y/N)'s promises, her voice strong as she slams against the door.

The End of the WorldWhere stories live. Discover now