Episode Four: Around Every Corner

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The train was at a stop just outside of Savannah, the group walking into the city to avoid any attention. The streets were oddly empty, broken down cars and trash littering the roads.

The hoods on almost every vehicle were propped open, stripped for parts.

Kenny took the lead with his pistol out, looking around warily as the others followed closely behind. Chuck rested a shovel over his shoulders with a casual expression, Ben looking around the city with fearful eyes and nervousness.

Omid lets out a grunt of pain as he staggers, luckily grabbing the hood of a car as he passes it to catch himself. Christa rushes to his side, Omid grinning reassuringly as he forces himself to keep walking.

(Y/N) held her (F/A) tucked securely in her arm as she walked with Lee, holding his hand with her free one.

Clement looks down at his walkie-talkie strapped onto Lee's belt with impatience, anxious to have it back.

"Can't I just hold it?"

Lee's grip tightens on (Y/N)'s hand subconsciously as he glances down at Clement, holding his handgun in his other hand.

"Just for a little while?" Clement pleads, taking quick steps to match Lee's. "We're getting real close to where our parents are! Maybe I can--"

"Not now, Clement," Lee firmly replies, keeping his eyes forward. "Maybe later, okay?"

Clement sighs, reluctantly nodding. "Okay."

(Y/N) remains quiet, looking to Clement's downhearted expression with a frown as they continue on.

"How's Omid?" Lee questions Christa.

"His leg's pretty bad," Christa quietly replies, looking to Omid with concern.

Omid shrugs with a pained smile, "I'm fine."

"You're not fine! You need to rest!" Christa turns back to Lee. "He needs to rest!"

Lee bites the inside of his cheek with a thoughtful sigh, his eyes moving to Kenny. "Yeah. Kenny, hold up!"

Kenny continues walking, either ignoring Lee or having not heard him.

"Kenny, God damn it, I said hold up!" Lee barks, releasing (Y/N)'s hand to rush forward and grab Kenny's shoulder. "Omid needs to take a break. Let's give him a minute."

Kenny heavily sighs, turning to the others. "We're almost to the river. Almost to the boats!"

"Then it won't hurt to stop for just one damn minute."

(?) Lee asked Kenny to wait for Omid

Kenny huffs in annoyance, ready to continue walking when a church bell starts ringing.

"What the hell?" Ben mutters, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Lee looks up at the bell tower, the bell inside chiming lowly as it rocks side to side.

"... Maybe this city's not so dead after all," Christa lowly says.

Kenny rolls his eyes. "Keep moving. No one's ringing that bell. It's automatic. On a timer."

Lee checks his watch, "what kind of church bell goes off twenty past the hour?"

No one replies, the group's expressions visibly confused and concerned while Kenny scowls. Lee's gaze moves back up to the bell, a gasp leaving his lips at the sight of a dark figure racing along the roof before disappearing from sight.

"Someone's up there!"

"Are you sure?" Ben looks up, the figure already gone. "I don't see anything."

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