Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

A wicked storm raged that night and Miles couldn't sleep. It was a deep instinct developed in childhood – storms meant danger. There had been many a time he had been convinced death was inevitable, when a stormy sea had threatened to wreck the ship he'd been on. All men would be needed on deck to keep things steady, and so now Miles always remained awake, in case he had to leap into action.

But tonight he was in a big, comfortable bed, in a mansion, safe from the weather outside. He relaxed, realising he didn't have to be anywhere. Instead, he thought about dinner that night and what a repulsive bunch of people they had been. He'd spent the evening inwardly laughing, fully aware Percy had only invited him because he wanted to do something shocking. Twenty years from now, he would still be regaling his cronies with tales of how he invited a pirate to his birthday dinner.

Then there was Raine. She had spent so much of the evening mentally fucking Miles, at times he could literally feel his cock trapped in that mouth full of someone else's teeth. She was clearly one of those awful women who had come from quite low beginnings and had married well. She made it her life's work to prove she had class, but at the same time couldn't resist the thought of a bit or rough because it reminded her of where she came from.

Now having met Arabella, Miles was convinced that Kitten was indeed Abraham Turner's bastard son. Alex, Arabella and Kitten all looked so alike. They all had Abraham's nose and deep brown eyes, and that widow's peak. It was hard to imagine how such a miserable curmudgeon of a man could produce three such beautiful children; but maybe he had been a good soul once. Life could turn the kindest man bad if things didn't go their way.

Miles sat up in bed, watching the lightning split the sky and illuminate the trees in the distance. He lit his pipe and thought about Alex, and for the first time ever, his dislike was tinged with pity. He knew Alex would end up going the same way as Abraham. Miles could normally tell these things immediately, but he'd initially missed it with Alex. But that night, in the garden, for that brief moment, when their bodies slammed into each other, he'd detected a change in Alex. His eyes had become darker, there had been a sharp intake of breath. He liked men. There was no passion, no attraction between him and Eliza. Miles suspected they were marrying for convenience. She was approaching an age where she would be considered a spinster, and similarly for Alex, people would start to wonder why a wealthy, handsome man of his age had not married. They were a great match, but Miles could tell she bored him.

Not for the first time, Miles' dick stirred as his mind wandered and he imagined fucking Alex. It had happened before, when he was with Kitten. The physical similarity and the anger at Alex's piousness that consumed him, would arouse him. But tonight was different. He thought about fucking Alex to cheer him up a bit...finally put a smile on that pretty face. He imagined Alex would be the sort who liked to receive. He wondered if he pouted and scrunched his face up when he came, like Kitten did. Miles imagined bunching that thick hair in his fist and pulling his head back, making Alex look at him as he took his dick in him for the first time....

Without even realising it had begun, Miles was wanking himself. The thought of Alex being a virgin was the most arousing thought he'd had in a long time. He imagined him begging not to be hurt, then once he was used to it, the realisation it was the most pleasure he'd probably ever felt, he would be grateful to Miles forever.

Miles got lost in his own fantasies of breaking Alex in, turning him into a sinner, assuring his place in Hell so he would never escape Miles, because he was heading there too. Then he could have fun watching Alex suffer....

With a gasp Miles came, and as his thoughts returned with clarity, he felt a bit shocked at how much Turner had affected him. Miles had many enemies, but he wouldn't even consider Turner that. He was just a provincial aristocrat who had led a privileged life and thought he should do his bit just to spite his father. Once Miles set sail to the West Indies, he would forget Alex Turner even existed.

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