Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

It was Alex's thirty first birthday, and he spent the morning teaching Kitten some of the bigger words in Robinson Crusoe that he didn't understand. Dom and Liam were in the kitchen with Ms Grande, Dom's lady friend, and they were laughing and having fun. But Alex didn't feel left out. He felt like part of a group of friends, like if he wanted to join them he could, and they would welcome him.

He missed Miles. He and gone with Percy to the boatyard to see The Opal, and Alex resented the fact his lover was spending his special day with his brother and not him. But Miles needed to keep the family sweet if they were going to go through with their plan.

Alex enjoyed helping Kitten. He was a sweet boy, and far nearer in personality to Alex than Percy. It didn't take Alex long to feel bonded to him, wishing he could do more for him. He was a Turner, he deserved a share in their riches, too.

Kitten left to help Tom set up for the day, and the others came into the kitchen for a bottle of ale and some left over Christmas cake Miles had brought over from High Green. Ms Grande found it too rich and sickly, and instead picked at the marzipan, making the men laugh.

There was a knock on the door, and when Alex answered it, he got the most wonderful surprise. It was Evelyn, and standing next to her was Jamie, whose leg was still wrapped up, and he was using a crutch, but he looked so much better.

"Look who I found hobbling down Millers Lane," Evelyn said. "I brought him here in the cart."

"Thought I'd come and wish you 'appy birthday," Jamie said.

"Me too," Evelyn said. "Jed was in The Cornerstone the other night, and one of Captain Kane's friends was in there and saying how you were living here now."

"Yes, I've been banished. Please, come in."

They entered the house, both men insisting Evelyn sit by the fire. It wasn't obvious she was with child yet, but Alex knew and he wanted her to be comfortable. He sat with Jamie on the sofa, calling out and asking one of the others if they could make tea.

"Where's Captain Kane?" Jamie asked. "I never got the chance to properly thank him for savin' my life."

"He's gone to the boatyard with Percy. Anyway, he doesn't live here. He lives at High Green."

Jamie looked puzzled. He was ageing quite rapidly, all those days being out in all weathers colleting rents was making his skin leathery.

"He's livin' at High Green and you're livin' 'ere?!"

"I displeased Father once too often. Whereas Percy has claimed Miles as his guest, so he can stay."

"Must be difficult for you?" Evelyn said, and Alex knew his sister well enough to realise she wasn't talking about the fact Miles was living in the family home. More that they were separated."

"I like it here. You know me, Evie. I was never one for grandiosity."

From his inside pocket, Jamie pulled out a bottle and passed it to Alex.

"For your birthday. A bottle of me old man's rhubarb wine. Make sure Captain Kane 'as some too, won't you?"

"Of course."

Dom came in with three mugs of tea, laying them on the centre table.

"We're just gonna have a game of gin. We need one more person. One of you guys fancy joinin' us?"

"I wouldn't mind," Jamie said. "Katie's been treatin' me like a baby. Spend most of me days sittin' watchin' her and her mother knittin'."

Dom helped Jamie up and they went into the kitchen. As soon as they were gone, Evelyn took Jamie's place, sitting beside Alex and taking his hands.

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