Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Alex thought there would be more to being a pirate than standing on the deck of a ship on a freezing night. His heart was beating so hard in his chest he was sure it would burst out of his ribs. The world seemed a strange place. The harbour was deathly quiet, the only noise was from the water lapping against the side of the boat. Miles and Dom were moving around silently below deck, so it felt like Alex was the only person in the universe.

Today had been one of the most enjoyable of his life. Acting came naturally to him in a way he never thought it would. But then, hadn't he been acting all his life? Pretending to be normal – whatever that may be. Supressing that part of him that wanted men...the part that liked to be dominated and treated like a woman. He had spent so long pretending that person didn't exist that acting was second nature.

Was he afraid of getting caught by the authorities? Of course he was. Piracy was a capital offence, so they would all end up dead, swinging from a gibbet. But since Freddie's death and Alex's sexual awakening, he had changed forever. Life was short and could be snatched away at any moment. So, if it meant burning brightly like a star then dying out, then so be it. He wanted to have fun and experience pleasure and joy while he could.

There was a creak. Alex turned around. Above the hatch appeared Dom's hair, and without fully coming out, he threw two small sacks to Alex. He caught both of them and was shocked at how light they were, they couldn't have weighed more than half a pound each. Alex took them and looked over the edge, where Liam was crouching behind a stack of barrels. Alex whistled, and once Liam stood up, Alex threw them down at him. He caught them and ran off to give them to Lana.

Alex went back to looking out. Drifting off a little and imagining his father's reaction if he saw him here. He would probably have him carted off to an asylum. Annoyingly, he knew a part of Percy would be proud of him. He'd spent a lifetime goading Alex for being wet, and here he was, doing something that could genuinely result in death. No doubt Percy would hope it would end up in his death.

There was another creak, someone was coming up the ladder. Alex turned around, expecting to see Dom, but a stranger's face appeared from the hatch. Alex's heart began to hammer against his ribs, his mouth so dry, his tongue shrivelled.

Emerging like some huge, weary creature aroused from its slumber, onto the deck climbed a giant of a man. He was a head taller than Alex, his long, dark hair hanging limply around his face. Big, dopey eyes fixed on Alex as he came closer. Alex also saw that the left arm of his shirt was empty. This was Julian Casablancas....the captain and notorious pirate!

"Are you part of my crew?" He was American, Alex thought he would be Spanish.

Alex nodded.

Casablancas narrowed his eyes.

"Show me your face."

Alex shook his head. Miles had given him strict instructions not to reveal his face at any point during the raid.

From the strap around his waist, Casablancas pulled a long knife. He held it up, its shiny blade glinting in the moonlight. Alex was terrified but a response beyond his control kicked in and he swiftly took the musket from his coat and held it out.

"Go back downstairs and you won't get hurt."

Casablancas still came forward, laughing smugly and waving the knife.

"This could just slice off the hand holding that gun..."

Alex cocked the gun.

"Come closer and you die."

Casablancas cocked his head, furrowing his heavy brow.

"You sound like a gentleman...who are you?"

"Leave him alone, Casablancas..."

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