Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

The Molly house finally went quiet in the early hours of the morning. A life at sea had given Miles the ability to sleep in any circumstances, but Alex wasn't quite so lucky. The bed felt disgusting – a damp mixture of spunk and olive oil, and his backside felt sore, but he could live with those things as long as he had Miles next to him. But the moans and the shouts and the laughter, and the constant slamming of doors was too much.

Alex got up and went to use the chamber-pot in the corner. Miles had warned him that in the morning he might feel the need to rush to use the water closet, but so far he just felt sore.

He glanced in the mirror in the washstand and noticed Miles was lying on his side, awake, his eyes on Alex's arse.

"I thought you were asleep," Alex said.

"I was until you got out of bed. Now I can't stop looking at your arse. It's perfect."

Alex laughed and shook himself dry and got back into bed. Miles put his arm around him and pulled his head to his shoulder. Alex wrapped his arm around Miles' waist, purring in contentment when Miles kissed his hair.

"Last night," Alex said, wanting to talk about the thing that had been bothering him. "Was it normal that I enjoyed it?"

"Yeah. I've talked to married women, before, who have said their auld man likes a finger up the arse."

"No, not that. When those men were watching us. It made me so excited. I didn't want any of them to touch me. I only want you, but I liked them watching me and wanting me. I feel ashamed about it now."

"Lots of people like to be watched. But I wouldn't have gone all the way with you, even if Mrs Hardacre hadn't come in. I guessed you'd feel ashamed afterwards."

"Did you feel ashamed?"

"No. You know me, Al. I'm a peacock. I like to perform. I also liked all those men wanting to touch you but they couldn't because you're mine."

Alex smiled at this. All he ever wanted was to hear Miles say he was his.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked.

"I thought I might go and see Mr Le Bon on Jermyn Street. He's a French tailor. He made my frockcoat that got lost in the fire."

"I'd like some new clothes. All my clothes are boring. Like me."

"You're not boring. You're like some undiscovered land that's full of promise. You just needed somebody to conquer you."

"Consider me conquered..." Alex finally felt his eyes start to grow heavy. He snuggled in even closer to Miles. "I need a haircut too," he said.


"It's too long. It's almost as long as Arabella's."

"Cut your hair off and I'll never let you suck my cock again! I need something to grip hold of!"

"Just a trim then. It's time I looked a bit more sophisticated."


A week later and it was Alex and Miles' last day with the Comte and Mariette, before heading back to Twickenham, to spend the week with Javier and Henrietta. They had both decided to give Javier a five percent finder's fee for connecting them with the Comte. Alex was just grateful to be able to go home to Cornwall with enough money to give Evelyn and Jed so they could start their new life in America. Of his six hundred and fifty pound share, he decided to give them five hundred, and a hundred of it he would invest in building new homes for the people displaced by the fire.

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