Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Miles lay awake in the dark wondering how the person who brought him the most joy in this world, was also the biggest pain in the neck. He'd wanted to throttle Alex when he saw him on that cart. He'd be nothing but a hindrance. But then he'd look at him with those big brown eyes and he'd melt like a snowflake in the sun, and he'd get angry with himself.

Alex was sleeping like a baby, on his back, his arms stretched out, taking up most of the bed. The moonlight shone through the window, illuminating him, and Miles was filled with that usual desire to touch him. He'd felt the same way about Kitten, and he guessed Harold had felt the same way about Arabella. There was something so beautiful and somehow delicate about them, you just wanted to caress them.

He moved closer, laying his head on Alex's chest, feeling his arm enclose around his shoulder. Miles wrapped his arm around Alex's slim waist, so they were pressed together, and it felt wonderful.

"Miles?" Alex said quietly.

"I'm tired."

"No, not that. Would you be able to steal something for me?"


"My mother's tiara. When she died, Father told Uncle Zavi it had gone missing, but last night Raine was wearing it. I don't want her having it. But I don't know how to get it away from her."

"Where does she keep it?"

"I don't know. She's got a safe in her room. Maybe there? I need an expert to find it for me."

"I'll think about it. Let me get this one done first."

Miles woke up the next morning and realised it was the first time he'd woken up on Christmas Eve next to someone, since he was a child. Back then it would have been in the orphanage, and on the sack next to him would be another freezing cold little boy, too scared to move because he would have either wet the bed or else didn't want to be the one to break the ice on top of the water bowl they used for washing.

Now, on his thirtieth Christmas Eve, he was in a warm, comfortable bed with the love of his life cuddled against him. Somehow they had moved in their sleep and now were on their sides, Alex's back pressed against Miles' chest, Miles arms wrapped tightly around him, because when he was asleep, his fears didn't hold him back, and the truth was, he never wanted to let Alex go.

His Christmas gift to himself, was to close his eyes and allow himself the indulgence of imagining a future with him. Lying together in bed while the hot Jamaican sun shone through the window, listening to the sea and drinking rum....growing old together...No doubt they would bicker and fall out, but that deep bond they shared would quickly bring them back together.

But that was a fantasy. The reality was Alex had no idea how tough a long sea voyage lasting months would take. The journey alone could kill him. And even if they did make it to Jamaica, could they really live and work together? Alex was open and caring and wanted to give love, but Miles was closed, and how long would it be before Alex grew tired of being pushed back?

Alex grumbled in his sleep and pressed himself further back against Miles. He couldn't let him go yet. Maybe in a few weeks he would end it, but not now. He needed him too much.

"I could help you, you know," Alex suddenly said.


"You're going to get Lana to distract the men so you can poison them?"

"Yeah, a tried and tested method."

"What if they notice what she's doing? What if one of the other wenches takes umbrage at Lana talking to the men? But who would suspect a respectable upper class couple?"

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