Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Miles awoke to two of his favourite sounds....the sea gently lapping in the distance, and a man snoring. He opened his eyes to find the sun high in the sky - it must have been morning. He looked to his right to see Alex Turner fast asleep beside him. He was still knocked out from the food and rum he'd had last night. Even Miles had slept better than he had in ages, and it made him realise how much he missed sleeping in the fresh air.

He turned on his side and looked at Alex, and it was like waking up to a grown up version of Kitten. They shared those impossibly long eyelashes, and that big nose which on someone else would have looked ridiculous, but on their heart shaped faces, was somehow exquisite. Even Arabella had it, but she was still ravishingly beautiful. All three of them were beautiful.....even Alex.

Miles felt like he was looking at something forbidden. Alex's shirt had gaped open in his sleep, exposing his bare chest...the patch of dark hair in the middle, and just a glimpse of a rose pink nipple. Miles grew hard. He couldn't help himself. The thought of taking Alex's innocence was unbearably arousing. In his still tired, slightly hungover brain, he could see and hear Kitten when he was being fucked, but it became confused in his head and it was Alex instead. He looked at that long, dark hair that was full of sand and salt from the sea and imagined gripping it while he rode him, breaking him in like a young colt.

His hand hovered over Alex's chest, wanting to touch his skin. He wanted to wake him up and pin him down and take him by surprise.....but he couldn't. A voice.....maybe his conscience....something he rarely listened to....stopped him. Alex didn't deserve that. But Miles needed release, so he got up and ran off, round to one of the hidden nooks. He rested against a cold rock while he unbuttoned his trousers and pulled his aching cock out. As he wanked, his mind was full of those images of Alex being Kitten and Kitten being Alex, and imagining Alex's tight hole, and what it would feel like to be the first man inside him.

He came all over the rocks, and in the water that was lapping at his feet. His orgasm had been so powerful, he had no choice but to sink to his knees to regain his breath. Even so, his head was still full of Alex. He knew he was going to have to do his best to keep away from him while he lived in the same house...or else seduce him and done with it.

Miles splashed his face with water and tried to get back to the matter in hand. He hadn't been entirely honest with Alex about the real reason they'd come to the Cove. Miles had heard rumours in The Cornerstone that a few years ago there had been a shipwreck carrying a load of stolen Indian gold, and a lot of it had never been recovered; and at certain times of the day, bits of gold would wash up on this shore. Miles and the boys had gone to look for whatever they could find. As a boy, Miles had scavenged on the shores of the Mersey at low tide and managed to find things most people wouldn't notice.

He crouched down, feeling under the rocks, knowing how things got hooked on sea plants. He ventured on to no avail, and was on the point of giving up when he felt something cold and hard. His finger got caught underneath it. He pulled and it moved. It was a chain. He gently tugged and tugged and it started to move.

Suddenly he was disturbed by a call.

"Miles?! Miles?!" It was Alex. Miles ignored him, hoping he would go somewhere else to look for him.

The chain came looser. Suddenly in the clear water, Miles could see it. A long gold chain. Miles felt that same rush of excitement he felt as a four year old kid who found a sovereign near Pier Head.

"What are you up to?"

Miles looked round. Alex was standing in the mouth of the cove. The light was behind him, making his shirt transparent, and Miles could see the shape of his body. He looked away.

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