Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Like a child, Alex stood at the window watching Miles go. He wouldn't move until his shrinking figure disappeared into the trees as he made his way to get Veryan, to start his journey to London. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough, when Alex would head off, himself. He didn't know when he would return to Cornwall, if ever. From now on, London would have to be his home...for his own safety.

The weight of depression was hanging above his head, ready to descend. He had spent two weeks soul searching and doing all he could to persuade Miles to take him to Jamaica, but his lover was resolute. It seemed protecting his heart was more important than being happy, and no amount of reassurance from Alex that he loved him and would never leave him, or the fact that even though they would have to spend their lives in the West Indies in secret, pretending to the world they were business partners, it made no difference to him. It was now getting to the point that he knew there was not much more he could do to convince Miles, and it hurt.

He just knew he had to get away from Cornwall. Today was Arabella's eighteenth birthday, and most of the Cornish elite would be going there to spend it with her, including Alex. He was only allowed to come back to High Green because Eliza was going, and it was important to keep up the charade.

It was also the perfect opportunity to take what belonged to him – the coins and the tiara. The party would be the perfect cover, with everyone too distracted to notice. Alex would leave at a reasonable time and then set off for London tomorrow, taking the tiara to Zavi. He decided to keep his coin to himself and give Evie hers when she went to America. Miles had already taken the other Spanish treasures to London to sell. The plan was he was going to tell Percy he got a lot less than he really had him and Alex would and pocket the rest.

Alex dreaded going back to High Green. As soon as he was away from Miles, it was like all his courage left him and he was afraid he wouldn't be strong enough to stand up to his father, should he say anything to challenge him. With Miles he felt as though he could face the world head on; but alone, it was like everyone was a potential threat and he wasn't sure he could take on all sides by himself.

It was easier to use the tradesman's entrance at the side of the house. The more he could minimise contact with anyone, the better. However, as soon as he slipped into the cold, wood panelled corridor, Payne, one of the young under-footmen stepped out, holding a cudgel in his hand.

"Who goes there?!" His shoulders sagged. "Oh it's you Mister Alex. Why you be usin' the trade entrance?"

"Because I am trying to avoid my family. Why are you carrying that cudgel?"

"We bin 'avin' intruders. Mister Fanshaw says it's Jonah Tully and his pals, but I dunno. Could be anyone. I gotta man the fort in case somebody comes in this way."

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Good day, Payne."

Alex went up to his room and felt strangely nostalgic. He was happy staying at the Hunting Lodge because he and Miles could see each other a lot; but this was his childhood bedroom. It held so many memories. Not least the most recent, when he would lie awake at night, tormenting himself over his feelings for Miles.

He went to his wardrobe, looking at all the fancy clothes he'd got in London. He couldn't take them now, he would have to ask Miles to bring them another time. Today he would have to wear his old clothes. He was going to be the old Alex, the one who he was quickly forgetting how to play.

"Alex!" He looked round. Arabella was standing in the doorway. She looked so different. Her skin was that green colour the Turner children always became when they were ill and her normally glossy hair hung limply about her face.

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