Chapter 1

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3rd person's pov

You're living a happy life with your husband Alastor for 5 years now and yes you know that he's a murderer but you love him so much that you forgot he murdered innocent people.

"Violet, darling it's time to go" Alastor called you as he put on his coat "Coming" you immediately went down stairs.

You both left your house and went to his radio studio

Time skip

You both arrived at the studio as he started to do his job while you sat next to him "Good morning new Orleans" Alastor cheerfully said making you chuckled quietly at your seat

"The local serial killer is still on the loose folks be careful especially if you're a gal" Alastor laughed sarcastically causing me to roll my eyes at his antiques

"But don't worry folks he won't hurt you if you're a pretty gal" Alastor looked at me and wink while smirking slightly as he turned to face the mic again

I blushed in embarrassment and watched him do his job

Time skip

After his job is done we went to mimzy and watched her perform

After she's done performing she went at our table "Hey al how are you and your darling this fine evening?" mimzy smiled at us as she took a sip of her wine "oh we're both doing fine" Alastor put his hand on your waist "well I wish you both enjoyed the show" mimzy winked "indeed we did" I smiled as she chuckled "why I'm happy to know that suga' but I'm afraid I have to go now" she smiled at us and left "shall we go home now?" Alastor said.
I nodded as we both went home

Alastor hummed as he remove his coat and grab a pajama from the closet, He went to the bathroom and changed his clothes.

While I read a book at our bed I heard the bathroom door opened as he went to the mirror and fixed his hair

"Can't sleep?" He sat on the bed beside me and kissed my cheek , I nodded "Well we should sleep now it's already midnight my doe" he smiled and pinched my cheek

"That hurts Al" I whined slightly causing him to chuckle "I'm sorry dear I just couldn't resist to pinch your cheeks, they're so fluffy like a marshmallow" he laughed and stroked my hair

I smiled as he gave me a quick kiss on the lips "let's sleep now" I nodded and turned off the lights "Good night" he said and wrapped his hands on my waist cuddling me

Oh how lucky I am to have him in my life I wish we could stay like this forever
I smiled and slowly fell asleep

Time skip

"Wake up my love" Alastor poked my cheek as I lazily opened my eyes "what time is it?" "It's 8 am my dear" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dining table "you cooked all of this?" I smiled at the sight of foods in our table
"Why of course my dear I don't want my lovely wife to cook for me every single day, now let's eat shall we?"

He smiled and sat on the chair "yeah one moment" I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth after that I changed my clothes and went to the dining table
And saw him already eating.

I sat beside him and grabbed my food "so do you have any plans today?" I asked "yes dear I have special plans" he smirked slightly and took a sip of his coffee, you know damn well what he meant about Special plans

You sighed worrying about him what if he gets caught by the police?

He saw your worried face and caressed your cheek with his hand "I know what you're thinking my dear, I'll be careful I promise, so stop worrying" he kissed your forehead and smiled

He looked at the clock "well seems like I have to go now my dear, I'll be back before you know it" I forced a smile onto my face and nodded "be careful al"
He chuckled and hugged me "yes yes i know love, see you later I love you always" he went to the door "I love you more" he smiled at me one last time and left.

I sighed and washed the dishes, I felt so worried about him there were so many possible things that could happen to him. alastor please be careful
I can't afford to lose him in my life.

After I'm done washing the dishes I cleaned the whole house waiting for my husband to return

I looked at the clock "well I guess I'll go to Rosie's house then" I took a shower and changed my clothes. after that I went to Rosie's house

I knocked at the door and heard a steps coming forward, the door opened revealing my friend Rosie "oh hi v come in" she smiled and dragged me inside her house "anything I could get you hun?" She smiled "um juice?"

"Coming right up dear why don't you sit on the couch while I get your drink" I smiled and sat on the couch as she went to the kitchen

After a few minutes she came back with with some juice and snacks, she put them on the table "so violet what brings you here love?" She smiled and sat beside me "I'm all alone in the house so I thought maybe we could hangout"

"Why of course we can, I'm guessing alastor is doing something special again?" She smiled wickedly

Okay I gotta admit she scares me sometimes "yes, I'm so worried about him what if something bad happens to him?" She chuckled "violet, dear the one you should be worrying about is his victim,poor gal besides he can take care of himself" she took a sipped on her juice

"Wait how did you know that its a girl?"
I looked at her dumbfounded as she chuckled "he told me"

"Ohh that make sense"

Time skip

"Oh Rosie I have to go home now it's already 5 pm, Al is probably looking for me" I stand up and smiled "of course, thank you dear please do come back when you have time!" she smiled and walked me towards her door "bye rosie" I left her house and went home.

I arrived at our house and went inside.
"Al are you here?" I went upstairs to our room and saw no one but myself "hm strange Al should be home by now"
There's that feeling again, the feeling of worry and concern

I calmed myself down and heard someone knock on the door down stairs, I smiled that's probably alastor

I run down stairs and opened the door "hey al-" instead of my husband I saw two police officers "ma'am may I ask are you Somehow Alastor's relative?"

"I'm his wife" they smiled sadly as one of the police hand me Alastor's Glasses "is there something wrong?" I took my husband's glasses and saw some blood on it "ma'am your husband is dead" the police said "he got shot by a hunter they've mistaken him for a deer, we're so sorry for your loss ma'am, condolence"

I felt My heart shattered into pieces "what please tell me you're joking please" I felt tears started to fall from my eyes "I wish we were but we're not ma'am I'm sorry" after that they left

I closed the door and sat on the floor feeling heartbroken from the news I heard

I cried in pain while hugging his glasses and clothes , I should've stop him I'm so fucking useless

I don't know what to do, fuck this life what did I ever do to deserve this?

I went to our room and stared at our picture together "I'm sorry Al I wish I was there" I cried silently and called Mimzy and Rosie. I told them about Al and they're both shocked and sad about the news

I wish I hugged him tightly and never let go if I only knew this would happen.

After crying for hours I fell asleep while hugging alastor's clothes.

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