Chapter 7

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Your pov

It's been 1 week since the incident and I felt like I'm about to go insane trying to figure out how to get rid of the contract

I looked at my phone biting my lower lip as I stared at Charlie's phone number
What if he can't get rid of it and what if Charlie's busy?

I sighed and hesitantly call charlie. She picked it up "hey auntie is there anything you need?" She ask "charlie can i...... Talk to alastor real quick?"

"Yeah sure thing" she said as I heard alastor answered "alastor... " I felt my tears threatened to fall from my eyes

I feel so disgusted by myself I'm such a pathetic person I'm so sorry alastor I didn't fought him hard enough and now I payed the price

"Yes my dear?" He said as I felt more guilty "I... I need your help" my tears finally fall from my eyes as I grip my phone tightly "my dear are you crying?"

"No I'm not I'm just sick right now that's why my voice is like this" I lied and held back my sniffles "well too bad because I don't believe you one bit" he said

"Come to the hotel and tell me everything." It sounded like an order but I didn't question it and agreed

I know vox wouldn't let me go anywhere after what happened so I escaped and immediately went to the hotel

I saw Alastor with the others at the lobby, he grabbed my hand and teleport the both of us to his room.

I looked down on the floor feeling ashamed. I couldn't face my husband after what vox did to me

"Violet tell me what happened" he held my chin forcing me to look at him

I felt myself wanting to cry as I saw his face he didn't deserve to have a wife like me I'm so pathetic

"Vox he..... " I felt disgusted by just saying his name "he raped me and I couldn't do anything about it I'm so sorry I'm such a bad person to you alastor you don't deserve someone like me" I burst into tears and fell to my knees while covering my face with my hands

I can't face him.

I felt his hand on my shoulder "he touched you?" I heard radio dials sounds and removed my hands from my face. I saw his eyes changed and voodoo symbols surrounded him

He's smiling widely causing shiver run down my spine he looks terrifying.

He caressed my cheek and calm himself down. His appearance went back to normal and the symbols Dissapeared

"My dear it's not your fault" he said while smiling softly at me "it is I made a deal with him and now I payed the price" I cried "and the worst thing I can't use my powers against him and because of that he took advantage of it and....... Touched me" I broke down in front of him

"I can't get rid of the contract Alastor" I looked at him "please help me" I said almost in a whisper

He held my hands and helped me stand up "that's all I need to hear my dear" he smirked and kiss my forehead "I'll take care of it" he said

Vox's pov

"FUCKING BITCH!" I shouted in pure anger "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!?" I asked while looking at the body guards

"W-we don't know sir" one of them answered "what the fuck are you two doing!?, standing there like a fucking statue while she escaped!?"

"We're sorry sir" "don't just stand there and find her! If you didn't found her I'll fucking kill you" the guards quickly left leaving me alone

I sighed in annoyance while rubbing my temples, where the fuck is that bitch?

Alastor's pov

It's time I remind that television that violet is my wife

I chuckled to myself "better count his days before I end it" I said and looked at my wife's sleeping face

My poor darling suffered a lot from his hands, I kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek

Better prepare for a battle vox cause I can't wait to broadcast your screams

I laughed "oh this will be fun" I smirked

Time skip

Your pov

I woke up and saw no one but myself.
I stand up and went to the balcony of the hotel taking a deep breath while looking at the sky

I sighed as the incident popped up on my mind

"Here comes a wave meant to wash me away a tide that is taking me under. Swallowing sand left with nothing to say my voice drowned out in the thunder" I sang softly while looking at the city

"But I won't cry and I won't start to crumble whenever they try to shut me or cut me down." I looked at my hands ang grip it tightly "I won't be silence you can't keep me quiet won't tremble when you try it all I know is I won't go speechless cause I'll breathe when he tried to suffocate me don't you underestimate me cause I know that I won't go speechless"

"Written in stone Every rule, every word
Centuries old and unbending Stay in your place
Better seen and not heard But now that story is ending" Vox face suddenly appeared on my thoughts. I grit my teeth angrily

"Cause I, I cannot start to crumble
So come on and try
Try to shut me and cut me down
I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

"Let the storm in
I cannot be broken
No, I won't live unspoken
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless
Try to lock me in this cage
I won't just lay me down and die
I will take these broken wings
And watch me burn across the sky"

"Hear the echoes saying I Won't be silenced
Though you want to see me tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless
Speechless" I floated into the air as I felt my power surrounded my body. My nine tails appeared and my eye color changed into red as a huge white fox appeared behind me I touched his nose and felt him went inside my body. My clothes changed and my tails went bigger as a flower mark appeared at my palm.

"'Cause I'll breathe When they try to suffocate me Don't you underestimate me 'Cause I know that I won't go speechless All I know is I won't go
speechless speechless" I closed my eyes and my tails Dissapeared. I slowly went back down to the balcony feeling a little relieved that my power is still there and getting stronger

2nd person's pov

The person hide behind the walls while smiling mischievously "interesting"

A/n: hello everyone the picture above is what your tails look like just a lot bigger and that dress is also your outfit when you use your powers. I'm sorry if you don't like it you can change it don't worry HAHA that's all and have a great day gorgeous bye bye!

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