Chapter 5

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Your pov

"Violet, darling welcome back" vox Kissed my cheek and held my hand "are you hungry?" He asked while caressing my cheek "no" I smiled

Me and vox are dating for 5 years now but we decided to keep it private from the other demons except for Valentino and velvette obviously.

"Wanna come with me to val's department?" He asked and put his hand on my Waist "yeah sure" I smiled as we went to val's department

We saw him filming some 18+ scene as usual he turned around and smiled at us "ah voxy, violet what brings you two here?" Val asked as he puffs out a smoke

"I need to talk to you val" vox approached val and smiled at me "violet wait here I'll be back before you know it" I nodded and watched them left

The last sentence he said made me feel like I heard it somewhere before or maybe I'm just assuming things? Yes that's right I'm just assuming things

While I zoned out I suddenly bump into someone , we both fell down on the floor "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I looked at him and smiled "it's fine it's my fault to" I held out my hand hoping he'll take it

He held my hand as I helped him to stand up "thanks toots, I'm angel dust nice to meet ya' " he smiled looking down at me "I'm violet" his eyes widened slightly "you mean the siren?" I nodded

I looked at the black eye he has and touched his cheek "val did this to you didn't he?" I looked at him worriedly "I'm sorry for touching you" he sighed "it's fine toots and yes he did this, it's fine I'm used to it"

"Okay first of all what the fuck and second of all I'm sorry I can't help you I'm not allowed to interfere you're his employee not mine, I really want to help you" I looked down on the floor feeling bad for the him

"Hey it's okay toots as I said I'm used to it" he smiled and Pat my head

I smiled and enjoyed the head pats he gave "you love that Don't ya?" He chuckled "that's a secret but yes" I laughed

"Ah I'm afraid I have to go now" he smiled "see ya later toots" I said goodbye and text vox that I have to go to a meeting

After that I went to the palace, The gates opened as I went inside "Violet!" Lucifer came running towards me and pulled me into a hug

"Is this how a king behave?" I chuckled and Pat his back "Hey!"

"Anyways how are you? I haven't seen you for 7 years since Lilith and i... " he slowly frowned "I've been doing great how about you?" I smiled trying to cheer him up "I'm also doing great" he smiled "wanna see my collections of rubber ducks?" He squealed causing me to laughed "okay" he held my hand and dragged me to his room

"Woah that is a lot of rubber ducks" I looked at the rubber ducks in amusement "you must be really bored huh?"

"Not really HAHA" he said as we suddenly heard his phone rang "daughter? Daughter my daughter is calling" he panicked as I tried to calm him down "okay this has to be perfect how do I greet her, hey char char? Or hey charlie!??" He took a deep breath in and let it out

He answered the call "Hey bitch" I facepalm, he's so awkward with his daughter

Time skip

After the call "my daughter wants to see me" he sang "take that depression" his eyes twitches "wanna come with me?"

I smiled and nodded "then let's go!" He held my hand excitedly causing me to chuckled at his behavior.

We arrived at the front door of the hotel. Someone suddenly opened it "charlie!" Lucifer hugged his daughter

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