Chapter 9

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Your pov

1 more day before the extermination.Charlie went to heaven to talk about rehabilitating sinners but seems like she failed to convince them that sinners can be redeemed.

I felt bad for her I love her like my very own daughter. Alastor went to her room
I don't know why but I have a bad feeling

Vaggie and I were talking when we suddenly saw a green thing with vodoo symbols on the ceiling

Wait that only happens when alastor made a deal with someone. Fuck- Charlie!

Vaggie and I immediately went to Charlie's room and saw alastor and Charlie holding hands together

"Charlie?" I looked at her worriedly "what did you do? Let her go" vaggie said while pointing her spear to alastor "right on cue" alastor said as he let go of Charlie's hand

Vaggie went closer to alastor but Charlie stopped her "Vaggie stop" vaggie then dropped her spear "what? Charlie please tell me you didn't-"

"I made a deal with alastor" Charlie said "Charlie-" vaggie got interrupted by alastor "oh calm down she still owns her soul" Alastor rolled his eyes playfully as he stands next to me

"He gave me info that can save the hotel, but we're going to need help." Charlie said as she went closer to the window, vaggie followed her

"The angels can be defeated and carmilla is the key." Vaggie looked at Charlie in disbelief "what?, carmilla Carmine?"

"She killed an excorcist in the last extermination.She knows how they can be harmed" Charlie said

"B-but I didn't even know that was possible" vaggie stuttered "if you did would you have told me?" Charlie said as she walks pass vaggie "Charlie-" vaggie frowned

"I need you to go to her" Charlie put on her coat "convinced her to teach us" Charlie went closer to vaggie "if she can we might have a chance"

"With just eight of us?" Vaggie interrupted Charlie "no were gonna need numbers too" Charlie said as alastor immediately went to Charlie and put his arm on her shoulder "and I know who can help" he grinned widely

"As long as Charlie can be her normal charming self" he said and pinched her cheek "what's that you said about smiles?" Charlie smiled slightly "good girl" Alastor patted her head as vaggie pulled her "Charlie can we talk about this?"

"We can talk later! Right now we have a job to do" Charlie followed Alastor "you with us?" She turned around and looked at vaggie

Vaggie sighed "ugh fine" I then tried to follow vaggie but I felt someone grab me by the waist "I don't think so my dear" Alastor said as he held my hand

Damn it.

Time skip

Charlie opened up to us all the way to cannibal town I don't think she even noticed that we're here as she suddenly stopped talking and looked around "wait where are we?" She asked

"Cannibal town!" Alastor said as she guided Charlie "there's a friend of violet and I, I think you should meet!"

"In cannibal town? But it's- it's surprisingly nice here" she looked around the surroundings again "isn't it though?" Alastor said while I got distracted looking at the man who gave the child a balloon

they're so nice yet so dangerous.

"And it's all thanks to a very special someone." I snapped out of my thoughts as we went inside a building with full of customers

"Well who hasn't thought about eating  their first husband?" We looked at the beautiful lady who's talking to her customers "I certain would have to if he didn't taste so bad" she grinned widely

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