Chapter 20

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3rd person's pov

You introduced valor to your sons

"Your Highness" valor bowed his head causing hugo to sweat drop and made him stop bowing

"You can just call me hugo" he scratched the back of his neck as valor hummed and looked at Gabriel "pleasure to be meeting you" Gabriel said

"The pleasure is all mine" valor responded

You sat on the chair as you watched them interact with a huge smile on your face

And then suddenly your mind went blank again as pain rise to your head

Your pov

I winced in pain and held my head

"Mom!" Hugo and Gabriel's voice were the last thing I heard as a memory showed up

I was in the garden with Lilith. A man wearing a cloak attacked me from behind
"if I can't have you. No one can" the man spoke before stabbing me in the stomach




Someone yelled causing me to wake up. I breathe heavily while touching my forehead

"Are you ok?" Lucifer held my cheek with his hand "you passed out again"

I nodded "I'm ok" lucifer smiled slightly "leave us alone" he said as Gabriel and Hugo left

"You passed out two times. I don't think you're ok violet tell me why do you keep passing out?" He asked

I frowned debating with myself wether to tell him or not. I sighed "it's about the past lucifer.... I don't know why but the memories about the past kept showing up"

"About the past huh?" He frowned while I nodded "as if someone was purposely using their magic to show me about my past......... Our past" I said

"What did you see?" Lucifer grabbed my hand "the man who killed me but I didn't see his face and then he said one last thing before he stabbed me"

Lucifer went silent waiting for me to continue "if I can't have you. no one can"

Those sentences made me shiver as I stared at Lucifer "a lot of angels were against our marriage before....." He said

"Could it be one of them was the one who killed me? " I frowned and think about it

Is this why this unknown person kept showing me about the past?

They want me to know who killed me....

But who, why and what are their intentions?.

Worry started to rise up to my chest as i gripped Lucifer's hand tightly

3rd person's pov

Lilith frowned while thinking about going back down in hell

"If only you're here y/n..." She sighed and held the painting of her and y/n in the past

Lilith stared at it before making her decision

Your pov

I asked Lucille to meet up at the cafe. Luckily she agreed

"So, what do you wanna know?" She asked

"Are you the one showing me my past?"

"W-what? Ofcourse not" she responded "where did you even got that idea from?" I sighed and held her hand

"I'm sorry it's just that someone seems using their magic to show me about the past and I thought it was you because you're the only one I know with a power to know the past.. " I said

"My magic has limitations violet. I can only see someone's past up to 70 and 80 years.....Your past self is older than the earth so i can't see your past. We both know that my power can't be used to make someone remember about their past" she responded and took a sip of her tea

I sighed "whoever the person behind this why do they keep trying to make me remember my past?..."

"Maybe they're trying to help you with something?... " Lucille stared at me

"We have no proof that they actually wanted to help. We don't know their intentions yet... "

"You're right but don't stress yourself too much. Take a rest you look tired" she responded

I sighed and nodded "I just couldn't sleep last night because of that"

??? Pov

I smirked and hummed through the forest "baby remember my name"

I sang as my eyes turned red while looking at the Hazbin hotel

"See you soon y/n"

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