Chapter 19

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3rd person's pov

"This is all my fault" Sera looked down at her hands while guilt started to rise up to her chest

She sighed "your Highness forgive me but what in the world happened?" Lute asked Sera

"Hugo got banished from heaven and now his brother's involved. Gabriel followed him to hell..... This is all my fault but it was for the best. If Hugo finds out that the elders were the one who ordered azrael to kill his mother, things could get worse" Sera responded

"I couldn't bear to see heaven be involved in this mess."

"What do you want me to do?" Lute asked "I want you to do whatever you have to do to keep heaven away from that mess"

"Yes your Highness" lute flew away leaving Sera alone

Your pov

A memory suddenly popped up in my mind causing me to wince in pain and hold my head

"Mom what's wrong?-" Hugo step back a little

"Hugo-" my mind suddenly went blank for a second as I saw my past self with Lilith

"You know you're really pretty! I'm not even surprised why Lucifer married you
That man is lucky" Lilith spoke as she gently braided my hair

I chuckled as I felt her fingers ran through my hair "would you like me to put flowers in your hair?" She asked while showing me different kinds of flowers she found in the garden

"Yes please!" I cheerfully responded as we both chuckled "what do you think about Adam's new wife?" I asked

"Hmm I think she's quite pretty but naive if you know what I mean" she responded

"Indeed she is" I sighed "I just can't shake this feeling off of my chest for a very long time now"

"What is it?" She finished braiding my hair and sat beside me "I feel like something's bad is gonna happen..."

She frowned "I hate to admit this but I do too... Y/n whenever I look at you my chest always feel heavy it's like something really bad is gonna happen to you and I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose you"

Tears streamed down her face as I pulled her into a hug "you and lucifer are the only ones I have. I can't afford to lose any of you two"

I sniffled a little and patted her back "me too... But if something bad happens to me. Take care of lucifer okay?" I forced a smile as we both hugged each other tightly not wanting to let go

A few hours have passed and I bid good bye to Lilith

I flew back to heaven and passed by the court as I suddenly heard someone talking "kill her"

My eyes widened in fear not knowing who are they talking about "as you wish" the guy responded as I heard them flew towards the door where I'm standing

I panicked and immediately flew to the palace before they could even see me

"Are they seriously planning to murder someone!?" I whispered to myself and walked to Lucifer's room

I saw lucifer seating on our bed while playing with his rubber duck "hey love!" He jumped out of bed to approach me

I smiled as he kissed me on the lips "so I named this duck after you!!" He said as he placed the rubber duck on my hand "aww thank you luci" I grinned

"She's so cute" I said while examining the rubber duck "but you're cuter" lucifer responded

"And sexier bow chicka bow bow" he smirked and looked at my body up and down causing me to blush in embarrassment

I used my telekinesis to grab a pillow and gently hit him in the face "heyy!" He pouted

I laughed and sat on our bed "but seriously my love you're the most beautiful, kind and generous angel I've ever met in my entire life. I'm so lucky to have you..... I hope you know that" he sat beside me and kissed my forehead

I smiled "and I'm lucky to have you as my husband lucifer and I wouldn't change a thing about you. You're perfect just the way you are"

He smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair "I love you my love"

"I love you always"

2nd person's pov




"Violet!!" You heard Lilith's screams

"LILITH!" You woke up and immediately sat up looking at your surroundings "where-"

"mom" hugo hugged you as Gabriel held your hand while looking at you with concern in his eyes

"We were so worried about you Mom you've been asleep for two days" Gabriel said as hugo let go of the hug while nodding


Your pov

I've been out for two days straight? But it felt like only an hour

"Are you ok Mom? The moment you passed out two days ago your eyes glowed white and red tears came out" Hugo said

"I'm Ok thank you for staying here with me while I was asleep" I smiled and patted their heads

"You're our mother of course we'll stay here and take care of you!" Hugo chuckled while Gabriel nodded

I smiled and felt tears streamed down my face

I hugged them both as they snuggled to my neck while I patted their heads

"I'm so lucky to have you both and I'm glad I found you two. Growing up without your real parents is difficult I know and I'm sorry I wasn't there to take care of you two. I wouldn't blame you if you hate me" I said while smiling

"We don't hate you Mom. We understand why that happened it's not your fault" Gabriel said while Hugo hummed agreeing with him

"I love you both and I wouldn't let anything bad happened to you. I'll even sacrifice my life just to protect you two..."

"We love you too Mom" they responded and let go of the hug "Dad and uncle Al stayed here with us all night to watch over you last night" Hugo said


Gabriel nodded "Dad and uncle lucifer went out to do something but they'll be back-"

The door suddenly opened revealing Alastor and lucifer

Lucifer's eyes widened when he saw me awake "VIOLET!!!" he run towards me and hugged me tightly

Alastor rolled his eyes and went towards us

"I'm glad you're awake" he let go of the hug

Alastor cleared up his throat "WE we're glad you're awake" he smiled at me while lucifer scoffed

3rd person's pov

"Adam is dead and your brat is threatening the very foundation of hell. I run this shit now so let me be clear they took down Adam that's no joke. The situation is severe you have to tear your subjects down get them back in line and weaken all their hope so they will take it as a sign, that there's nothing they can do they will never be Divine it has to be now we're out of time..... Heaven will be dragged into this mess if Hugo or anyone knew about that secret." Lute said leaving Lilith confused about the last sentences she said

"While you lounge and live your dream she's trying so hard to redeem all those sinners who already blew their shot. So if you want this paradise then go to hell and pay the price....
You understand me Lilith? "

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