Chapter 6

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Your pov

My phone suddenly vibrates from my pocket so I picked it up and saw vox is calling me

I nervously smiled at alastor "hey al excuse me I have to answer this real quick" I hid the phone behind my back and saw alastor trying to look behind me

He smiled widely giving me permission to answer the call so I immediately left his room and went to the hotel's balcony

"Where are you?" Vox sounds kinda mad "um I'm at the hazbin hotel, sorry I forgot to tell you" I said while fiddling with my fingers

"What the fuck are you doing there exactly my love!?" He shouted angrily causing me to tremble a little before answering

"I-i'm just hanging out with Lucifer and his daughter" I bit my lower lip "I'll be back soon I promise"

"You better be, you know what happens if you don't." My breath hitches before answering "yes of course" I tried to sound unbothered but failed

He ended the call, I fell down to my knees while looking at my trembling hands, how am I gonna escape from his grasp? I stand up and went back to Alastor's room

I smiled at him as if nothing happened "hey al I'm afraid I have to go now" he kept smiling but I saw his eyes twitching as if annoyed about something?

He hugged me while caressing my back "be careful my dear I wouldn't want something bad happening to you" he joked while chuckling but deep down I feel something is wrong with him

He kissed my forehead as I said goodbye to him "back soon my dear" he smiled widely

I smiled and left the hotel. I went home and saw vox seating on the couch with a wine on his hand

"Enjoy hanging out with Lucifer and his brat?" He said and stand up from the couch as he approached me "or should I say 'enjoy hanging out with the radio demon'?"

My eyes widened as he grab my face forcefully "tell me my dear did you enjoy it?" "What are you taking about!?" I ask while trying to remove his hand off of my face "you know what I'm talking about don't play dumb you fucking whore!" He shouted at me causing me to flinch

He then opened the tv revealing myself and alastor hugging each other outside the hotel "why would you need that radio freak when you have me!?" He said as he grab my face again and held it tightly "tell me am I not good enough for you!?" He shouted as he slapped me causing me to fall on the floor

"You think i didn't fucking know!? You've been tricking me this whole fucking time and yet here I am playing right into your hands!" I said as I felt tears escaped my eyes

"So don't fucking act that you really love me, you only want my body and reputation. I'm ending the contract" I said and heard him laughed like a mad man

"Too bad because you can't" he smiled widely "what?" He showed me the contract and tried to rip it but it didn't even work

What the hell is wrong with that contract!? I saw him smirked at me

"You're stuck with me forever and there's nothing you can fucking do" he smiled while laughing

I felt my heart shattered into pieces as I stared at him in disbelief

He looked at me with a crazed look on his face "you know whore's like you deserves a punishment" he then grab me and threw me at the wall

Fuck it hurts I Whimpered in pain as I felt him dragged me towards his room

"Let me go" I tried to punch him but he dodged it effortlessly

I tried to use my powers on him but it didn't work "you fucking lunatic what did you do to my powers!?" He stared at me innocently "nothing"

"Fuck you" I said "now now that's not how you treat your husband" he said while holding my arms

"Keep dreaming Alastor is my husband not you" I said and saw him getting angry

He glared at me and slapped my cheek causing me to fell to the floor "you better show some respect you fucking slut" he said as I noticed him unbottoning his suit

I realized what he was doing so I immediately run towards the door but he used his powers on me causing me to fall to my knees

It hurts so bad I felt electricity all over my body as I tried to crawl as fast as I could towards the door but he was fast

He grabbed my leg pulling me closer to him as he put his leg between mine. He towers over me and put his hand around my neck choking me

"If I can't have you no one can" he kept choking me as I tried to push him off of me while trying to stay awake

I can't just pass out yet fuck, I slowly felt myself giving up I can't breathe anymore I have no oxygen

My eyes slowly closed as I fell unconscious....

2nd person's pov

Time skip

Violet slowly opened her eyes and saw no one but herself in the room she walk towards the mirror and saw a lot hickeys on her neck

She stared at herself in disbelief as she burst into tears and fell down on her knees while crying

Your pov

"I can't believe he did this to me" I said quietly as I held my tummy "fuck you vox I wish I didn't met you" I shouted in pure anger while crying in frustration

he raped me.....

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