Chapter 2

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3rd person's Pov

A few years have passed since my husband's death I still couldn't accept that he passed away the pain is still here.

Blood scattered everywhere as your victim's face became pale. You looked at it emotionless while wiping the blood off Of your face.

Suddenly you heard the police sirens and immediately run off the alleyway leaving your victim

"Damn it" you cursed silently while running as fast as you could, unfortunately the police car is much faster than you but that didn't stop you from running, you saw the end of the cliff

Your breath hitches and immediately stopped "put your hands up lady" a police officer said while pointing his gun at you

You slowly turned around and put your hands up, the police slowly approached you

But then you grab your knife "ma'am no" the police shouted but it's too late.

You stabbed yourself And jump off the cliff  "till death do us part Alastor" you weakly said as your body hit the ground with a loud thud Then everything went black.

You slowly opened your eyes and saw a huge pentagram at the red sky, you look around your surroundings and saw a sign that says "Welcome to hell"

What the hell!?? You slapped yourself to see if this is real and it sure does

You walked at the city and saw some different looking kinds of people

Then you saw a mirror and looked at your appearance your hair (h/c) turned into white and your eye color turned into blue

Your teeth have fangs now and your skin color change into porcelain white
You also noticed your fox ears and freaked out a little

"What the hell!?" You then suddenly remembered the knife you use to kill your self it has a white fox design on it
So maybe that's why you have a fox ears

"Please don't tell me I have a tail" you slowly turned to your back and saw nothing, you sighed in relief

You decided to explore the city and saw some horrible things it's so awful in here
Wait what the fuck!? is that a giant statue with a giant coc- you immediately looked away and act normal as if you saw nothing

Then you saw a huge building with a sign "Porn studio" the hell they have that here?

"New here sweet cheeks?" A talking human rat said as he put his hand on the pocket of his hoodie

"Oh um yes" he seems kind? You thought
"Are you looking for a job?" He said "oh um maybe?"

He then suddenly dragged me inside the porn studio "why you cum to the right place"

"Do you mean you come to the right place?" I said while smiling awkwardly
"Yes of course that's what I meant" okay he's kind but crazy

"Val will be happy to help you" I looked at him in confusion "who's val?"

"He's the owner of the porn studio" he said "ohh"

Then we saw a tall man that looks like a moth? While inhaling a cigarette

He suddenly noticed us and smiled showing his sharp teeth "well what do we have here?" He smirked and walk towards me "what can I do for a beautiful thing like you?" He suddenly grab my hand and licked my neck

"Mhm, lovely skin" he smirked and looked at me while I looked at him awkwardly

"She needs a job boss" the Human rat said

"Oh really why darling you cum to the right place" he smirked and held my hand seriously? Why does everyone say cum instead of come?

"I can make you a star we can be rich together" he whispered on my ear

"Hey val" someone suddenly spoke behind us "hey voxy meet our new guest, what's your name sweetheart?" Valentino looked at me "Violet"

"She's looking for a job so I thought maybe she can work for me" Valentino put his hand on my waist

Vox seems to be Unbothered but spoke anyway "I think I'll take her Val" the looking tv man said while smirking at us

"Why of course if you want then she's yours" Valentino chuckled darkly while vox walk towards me and grab my hand

"So violet I need you to come with me" he said as we both teleported to an office?

"Let's make a Deal" he smirked at me while showing the contract

I have a bad feeling about this but maybe i should give it a chance?

"What kind of deal?" I said "you'll become one the VEE's in exchange"
I looked at him in confusion "what?
Who are they?"

"Oh my dear of course Me, Valentino and velvette we are the VEE's" he chuckled "but what am I gonna do in exchange?"

"That is for me to know my dear" he smirked "so it's a deal then?" He held out his hand

I Hesitate for a bit but eventually held his hand, I felt power all over my body

He smiled and hand me the contract.
I signed it and the contract disappears into thin air

"Now let me introduce you to velvette" he walks towards the door waiting for me to follow him

I followed him as we both went to velvette's department

"What is this a clown fucking costume?
Burn it like the witch's who wore it" we saw a beautiful girl scolding her employee while rubbing her temples in annoyance

Vox chuckled "oh velvette how are you this hellish Morning?" The girl looked at him and rolled her eyes

"Cut the shit vox what do you want?" She suddenly noticed me "and who is she?"

"She's violet my dear, she's one of us now" velvette went closer to me and examine my whole appearance "hate to admit but she's pretty" velvette smiled

"Velvette my dear nice to meet you, I'm guessing you're new here in hell?" She grabbed my hand and dragged me away from vox "um yes, I must say you're really pretty velvette" I smiled I feel like we would be really good friends

"Oh darling thank you. I like you already" she laughed

I smiled "if you weren't one of us dear you would've been my best model especially with a face like that" she smiled and raised her hand

I saw a little pink coming out of her hand as my clothes changed into a beautiful dress. I still can't believe they have magic here

"Oh darling it suits you so much" she smiled and twirled me around

"I'm afraid I have to go now, I have a meeting to attend to" I nodded and said goodbye "kisses Darling's" and with that she left leaving me and vox alone together

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