Chapter 14

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??????? Pov

I grinned widely while staring at the door outside and felt jealously inside me.

I gripped my staff tightly and teleported back to my room

Your pov

Angel dust opened the door for me "thanks again toots" he smiled showing his sharp teeths

"You're always welcome" I smiled back and saw his cheeks went slightly red

"You okay?" I asked while looking at him dumbfounded "what?- oh yes"

"Okay" I looked at him suspiciously and then turn around "see ya later toots" he said before closing the door. After that I left and went to my room

3rd person's pov

Time skip

You were with angel dust and Calypso taking a stroll around the city when you suddenly bumped into someone

"Sorry-" your words got interrupted as you looked at the person who bumped into you

"Long time no see" the man spoke as he grinned widely

Your eyes widened and hid Calypso behind your back

Your pov

"Cedric" I glared at him. he chuckled and leaned closer to me

"What do you want?" I asked and step back a little "oh nothing really"

"You know my deal still stands~" he smirked and twirled his finger on my hair "HEY back the fuck off!" Angel suddenly pulled me closer to him and put his hand in front of me while glaring at Cedric

Cedric grinned and glared back at angel "I won't join you" I responded and went closer to him "violet-" angel called out my name but I smiled assuring him that I got this all handled

"I see well it seems like you don't wanna know what happened to your sons" he smirked

My eyes widened "what are you talking about?" He chuckled and leaned closer to me "poor children. longing for their mother's love and touch" he said

I glared at him "I don't have any children."

"Don't you?" he responded and felt something inside me wanting to know if it's true or not

"You can't deceive me with your lies Cedric I'm telling you whatever you're doing stop it now because I won't fall for it" I gripped my hand tightly while looking at him

"Who said that I'm lying?" He chuckled

"You must be out of your mind. My son already died" I responded while angel dust and Calypso stood in the corner watching us with pure confusion In their eyes

"How are you sure that you only have one child? And are you sure that Your first son really died?." He quickly responded to me leaving me speechless

What is he talking about?

"Still not convinced? Well I can prove it to you that I'm not lying. If you make a deal with me of course" he smirked

"Nice try but I won't believe you" I suddenly heard him chuckled "did you really forget that I can see your past life?" He responded making me glared at him

"I know that but you're a fucking liar so how am I gonna know if you're telling the truth and not just messing with me!?" I said and saw his eyes went red

"You know I'll do anything for you and tell you anything I know but it comes with a price and you know that" he grinned widely

"But if you don't agree then I have to make you agree by force" he put his hand on my shoulder

"Are you threatening me?" I asked as he just looked at me innocently and shrugged his shoulders

"Your proposition has no appeal to me How dare you fucking threaten me cause you thought you're stronger than me? I'll find this out by myself and who are you to threaten me?" I glared at him and saw him struggling to respond

"You don't know me really well you're speaking to the princess of heaven and hell. I can bring you down and make you scream for mercy for your soul. Your authority in hell has no value to me" I said while glaring at him

"You piece of-" I interrupted him and blast my power at him as he hit the wall with a loud thud "that's what I thought" I slowly approached him "I always win. I'm gonna make you wish that you never speak, tune on in cause when I'm done. I'll make you regret that you were born" he looked at me with fear in his eyes as he saw Valor behind me growling at him

"Oh this will be fun" I finished my sentence and blast my power at him leaving him unconscious

I turned around and saw angel and Calypso with their jaw dropped "HOLY SHIT-" angel dust stared at me in amazement while Calypso's eyes went wide while staring at me in disbelief

"Let's go home" I said as we went back to the hotel

I was about to open the door but someone opened it for me revealing Alastor. But something feels off about him

"Um angel you guys go ahead. I'll talk to Alastor" I said as angel dragged Calypso inside the hotel leaving Alastor and I alone

"Is there something wrong?" I looked at him

He suddenly grabbed my hand and teleported us to his room

"Al?" I tilted my head to the side waiting for him to speak

"Where. Have. You. Been?" His voice went deep with every word he said

"we just went to stroll around the city" I smiled awkwardly

He grinned widely and held my cheek with his hand "I can't stay mad at you" he sighed

I slowly realize what's the situation causing me to chuckle

"What's so funny?" He asked as his ears went flat

"You're jealous aren't you?" I laughed as he denied it "of course not"

"Oh really?" I teased him "violet if you don't stop I'll do something you wouldn't like" he said as his face became serious but he kept his smile

I couldn't help but to laugh at his face and closed my eyes while holding my stomach

I suddenly felt him picked me up into a bridal style "AHH- put me down"

"No thank you" he responded "what do you mean?" I asked as he chuckled darkly and threw me to his bed "ALASTOR-" my scream got interrupted as he pounced on me and tickle the side of my stomach causing me to laugh out loud

"STOP-" I tried to catch my breath while laughing

After a while he finally stopped as I sighed in relief and sat up

I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind and sat me on his lap

What the fuck is that-

I felt something poking my back so I immediately stood up but he pulled me and sat me back on his lap

"Alastor?-" I felt his hot breath on my neck causing a shiver to run down my spine.

He suddenly licked my neck and kissed it multiple times

I froze "what are you doin-" he sucked my neck and heard him moan in satisfaction

My face went red and felt myself about to pass out

"That should do it my dear" he stopped sucking my neck revealing a hickey

He smirked "now everyone will know that you're mine and you're my wife" he grinned while looking at the hickey he gave me

"Alasto-" he suddenly kissed me causing me to gasp as he took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth

He let out a moan as his other hand grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him

I can feel him smirked as he kissed my neck and sucked it again

He laid me down while sucking my neck and put his leg between mine and kissed me on the lips again

He grabbed my legs and wrapped it around his waist

What's gotten into him?........

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