Chapter 4

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3rd person's pov

A few years have passed since you arrived in hell it's 2019 you've been down here for 75 years already yet you still look like in your 20s

You found out you have powers so you decided to learn how to control it and when you're ready you start taking down overlords who've been dominate for centuries, you lured them with your voice and start taking advantage of them as you devour their souls and gained their powers.

And with that people started to fear you.
They call you "the siren of the VEE's"

Your pov

"Violet we have a meeting to attend to" I sighed and nodded. I followed velvette as we went to carmilla's place

Velvette kicked the door revealing ourselves as they all looked at us while we sat down "will your colleagues be joining?" Carmilla asked velvette "no they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. We're here to represent" velvette said "charming" carmilla said as she continue to discuss but then velvette raised her hand "yes?" Carmilla said as we all looked at velvette

"On the subject of discussion" velvette then threw an angels head on the table as they all gasp in amusement "Mhm tasty" I heard someone said but I ignored it and stared at carmilla's face
"Where did you get this?" Carmilla asked

"We found it during extermination day, if this Holly rollers can be killed the game has changed. We can take fight to them" velvette said as she stands on the table

"The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan." Velvette said as we heard a slurping sound and looked at zestial in confusion "if it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof though art far more foolish than I be thought" zestial replied

Velvette scoffed "meagre proof?it's a dead fucking Exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive" velvette fold her arms and looked away from zestial
"You going blind old man?" Velvette mocked him as I looked at carmilla I can see that she's pissed but decided to stay quiet

"We know not how this perished, mayhaps t'was not by a demons hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing mightn't they purge all of hell for daring
An uprising" Zestial said as the others agreed with him

Velvette looked at them and saw carmilla's frown "oh I get it, so grandpa is too pussy to fight so I guess no point right?" Zestial just smiled at her keeping his calm demeanor "oh what's the matter fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for-" velvette didn't finished her words as carmilla cut her off

"You better show some respect check your behavior, no one speaks to zestial that way. Did you expect us to sit back and take your insolent, brazen display?" Carmilla snapped at velvette

Velvette laughed "you've got it twisted I'm not the one who need a new attitude maybe you missed it but I'm that hashtag Bitch and I will do nothin' less what I please, WOO I'm the back bone of the VEE's. Mad that I acted respectless? Well, it's cause no one could respect this. Sorry group attending since when our overlords to scared to fight? You're long past trending, Sorry babe but I ain't swiping right" velvette lean on zestial seat "you lost your relevance"

"We can't act without more intelligence" zestial sang, he was right but velvette won't listen I know it

She scoffed "no wonder I'm so respectless. I could eat you lot for breakfast"

"You and the VEE's are inane and uninformed smug wannabes who don't heed when you've been warned" carmilla sang as I felt pissed about what she said if I could just kill her I would do it, but I'm not that immature to kill her just because of what she said so I decided to remain calm and silent. But I could sense that someone is staring at me since we arrived here but I ignore it

"Oops did I strike a nerve? cause when I brought out the angels head, couldn't help but observe that your wrinkled face was turning red" velvette looked at carmilla while smirking, I looked at carmilla and noticed zestial also looking at her as if saying 'its odd to see her lose her cool'

"And why are you avoiding war? That's what the guns you sell are for. Thanks to my bein' respectless, one thing I'm starting to suspect is you know why this Angel's headless do you have a disclosure?" Velvette went closer to Camilla "this Meeting's over" they both glared at each other

We all went silent "that was a productive meeting" I looked at the guy who spoke

He has red hair, red eyes with red clothes and a microphone? Does he always smile like that? Wtf why am I even concerned about that?

He suddenly noticed me and smiled widely at me, my breath hitches slightly and immediately looked away, fuck

Why did I looked away? Now he thinks I'm rude because I didn't smiled back, bitch pull yourself together you have a reputation you wouldn't want it to get ruined because of your childish acts

I mentally smacked myself and looked at the guy again only to see him already staring at me, I blushed in embarrassment and smiled awkwardly. I saw him chuckled to himself

Not gonna lie he kinda looks like someone I know I just can't remember who

"Hmp fine let's go violet, safe travels back to the nursing home fuckers" velvette laughed as we both left "kiss my ass" she shouted

??????? Pov

My eyes widened slightly when I heard the name violet, is it really her?

"I might have to find out myself oh this will be fun" I smirked

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