Chapter 12

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Your pov

I went back to the hotel and spend time with my Husband Alastor

And he was not happy when he finds out that my first husband in my past life was the devil himself.

As lucifer came to the hotel to check up on his daughter

I facepalm and sighed while rubbing my temples with my other hand as i watched Alastor and Lucifer roasting each other

Luckily Charlie stopped them while they glared at each other in annoyance

"Auntie come get your husband please" Charlie said as lucifer and Alastor quickly looked at me waiting for me to make a move

I sighed and separated the two away from each other as I held Alastor's hand and saw him smirked at lucifer. Lucifer growled in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

We heard someone knocked on the door as Charlie's eyes sparkled in excitement and quickly opened the door

We saw a tall lanky dragon guy? wearing a black suit with yellow streaks on his hair

He has yellow eyes and tail as his wings was connected on his arms but other than that his face looks normal

Gotta admit he's kinda attractive but not attractive as my husband though....

Charlie smiled widely "Welcome to the hazbin hotel!" She beamed happily as she let the man in

He smiled in return as Charlie introduced herself "my name is Charlie and this is my girlfriend vaggie" she smiled and held vaggie's hand

"Welcome" vaggie smiled "and this is our house keeper niffty, our bartender husk, angel dust, Alastor our gracious facility manager and auntie Violet!"

"Oh and my dad lucifer though I think you already know him" Charlie chuckled "pleasure to meet you all I'm Calypso" he smiled and bowed like a gentleman

I smiled as Charlie asked him a few questions and gave him a key to his room

We all gathered at the living room and sat on the couches as we all looked at Charlie

"Now with a new resident I think it's important we all get to know each other, so we are going to play a little game. Everyone follow me" she smiled and started to clap her hands on beat as she sings

"My name is Charlie I like to sing and when we get to know each other is the greatest thing!" She sang happily and extend her hand towards Calypso waiting for him to sing

"Um my name is Calypso I love to read and despite my stupid creations I think I'm very skilled?" Calypso sang shyly while clapping his hand as he extend his hand towards niffty

"My name is niffty I love to kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others. I love bad boys" she sang while laughing maniacally as we looked at her with bewildered and terrified faces except for Alastor and Lucifer

She clapped her hands and extend her little arms towards angel dust

"This is stupid" angel said "this is not stupid it's just a game Calypso and niffty did it well so now please do the same!" Charlie sang and waited for angel to sing

He sighed and rub his forehead "I'm too sober for this" as vaggie sang along "well get used to it and learn how to play. this is gonna be your whole day" she clapped her hands

"You really wanted me to play this game huh? Fine then" he smirked and started to clap his hands "My name is angel dust and I love to suck-" angel got interrupted by husk "I swear to fuck if you say dick!"

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