Chapter 16

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3rd person's pov

Alastor agreed for you to hangout with Lucifer but with one condition

Your pov

I rubbed my temples in annoyance as Lucifer and alastor glared at each other while we walk around Lulu land

We saw a carousel and different kind of rides.

I smiled "why don't we ride that?" I asked as they followed my gaze and saw a big ass rollercoaster

Lucifer grabbed my hand and held it tightly "you sure?" I nodded and pulled him and alastor towards the rollercoaster

I sat in front as Alastor was about to sit beside me Lucifer teleported on the seat

Alastor rolled his eyes and sat behind us while his arms are crossed

The rollercoaster started to move. I smiled excitedly as we reached the top where we could see the whole Lulu land

Lucifer looked at me "you okay?" I asked as he awkwardly nodded "y-yes-" the rollercoaster went down

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK I LOVE YOU CHARLIEEEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YOU ADAM YOU UGLY AS FUCK" He screamed like a little girl while I have to cover my ears before it bleeds from his screams

I laughed as he kept screaming like his whole soul depends on it while Alastor sat still behind us calmly

Time skip

The rollercoaster stopped as Lucifer looks like he's about to throw up.

I decided to ride the carousel and dragged them with me. The carousel started spinning as Lucifer laughed excitedly while Alastor glared at him

Alastor smirked and poked Lucifer with his staff causing him to almost lose his  balance "YOU LITTLE-" Lucifer glared back at alastor as he poked him with his staff and smirked

3rd person's pov

Meanwhile in heaven

"I know this is a weird question sera but do you know my real mother?" Hugo asked as the Elders sweat nervously and looked away "yes, why?" Sera responded remaining calm as possible "well what is she like?"

Sera sighed "she was a beautiful young woman and one of the most cheerful,kind angels here in heaven........... But she got killed by someone" Sera finished her sentence and looked at Hugo with sorrow in her eyes

She can't just tell him that the elders are the one who ordered azrael to kill his mother

"Oh I see......... But do you know where she is now?" Hugo frowned as Sera responded no

"No one knows where she is..." Hugo nodded understanding what Sera said and sighed

The elders sighed in relief "what if-" Hugo got interrupted by Sera "this questioning stops now. I already gave all the information I know about your mother" Sera snapped at Hugo "please if you question any further you could end up like your father Lucifer....... Fallen i couldn't bear to see you suffer that fate"

Hugo frowned as Sera calm herself down "I'll do anything to know about her even if it means I could end up like my father" Hugo gripped his hand tightly "Hugo-"

"WHAT ARE YOU HIDING!?" Hugo yelled as Sera's eyes filled with fear

She knows this day would come but she's not ready to tell him the truth

"Please calm down-" Hugo interrupted Sera "Calm down? How can I when you're lying right into my face!?"

Sera gulped as the elders murmured "I did what I had to do. It's for you and your brother's safety" Sera said "brother? I had a brother and you never told me? Just how many secrets are you hiding from me!?" Hugo snapped as Sera step back understanding her nephew's rage

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