Chapter 17

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3rd person's pov

"You banished hugo just for that?" The person asked as Sera looked at him with sorrow in her eyes

"Just what were you guys thinking? banishing someone because they want to know about their own mother?"

"You don't understand.. Some secrets must be kept hidden for their safety" Sera responded

"Oh so that's why you banished him instead of understanding his situation?"

"Gabriel please it's not like that-" "it is! If it's not he should've been here!"

Gabriel yelled leaving Sera speechless "you know I see him as my own brother..... "

Gabriel suddenly opened a portal to hell causing sera's eyes to widen "no-"

"I'll look for him" Gabriel went inside the portal before Sera could grab his hand

Your pov

Alastor, lucifer and I went back to the hotel.

We went inside and saw someone sitting beside Charlie at the living room while the others also sat on the couch talking with this young man

Charlie noticed us and immediately run towards our direction "Dad! Auntie!" She dragged us towards the couch "Dad auntie this is Hugo!"


"Hugo Morningstar pleasure to meet you" the young man spoke "WHAT!?" lucifer and I shouted in unison

I examined Hugo's face and remembered the young man's face that Lucille showed in her power

Is it really him?

"He's my brother!" Charlie smiled happily at us

While lucifer and I looked at them stunned "t-that's impossible-" I interrupted lucifer "it's........ true he's your son"

"What? but didn't our child died?"

"He got reincarnated like me lucifer. That kid is our son" I responded as lucifer eyes widen and approached Hugo

"O-our son? He's alive" Lucifer's eyes became watery and looked up at our child

Damn he's taller than us

"A pleasant day to you sir.." Hugo smiled awkwardly as lucifer pulled him into a hug

I chuckled silently and watched them interact "aww let me join" Charlie said as she joined the hug with them

After a few seconds they pulled away as Hugo stared at me "Mom" his eyes became watery

I sweat drop and approached him. I held his cheek in my hand as he leaned into my touch

I smiled and gave him a hug as he snuggled into my neck like a little kid

I looked at lucifer and saw his frown "Ah pleasure to be meeting you Hugo quite the pleasure. I'm Alastor" Alastor shake Hugo's hand with his

Lucifer glared at Alastor. Alastor saw this and smirked at him "nice to meet you sir" Hugo smiled at Alastor

"Oh such a well mannered young man" Alastor responded as he grinned widely

"Thank you sir" Hugo and I pulled away from the hug "Charlie did you already show him around the hotel?" Alastor asked as Charlie answered no "lovely, I'll give you a tour then" Alastor grinned

Lucifer growled and dragged Hugo "No I can show MY SON around" alastor chuckled forcefully

"Nonsense I can show him around just fine" Alastor dragged Hugo with him as Lucifer glared at Alastor and sighed

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