Chapter 15

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3rd person's pov

5 days have passed and you couldn't help but to think about what Cedric said

Some part of you wants to believe him and some part of you don't..

Your pov

I left the hotel and went to meet up with my friend.

I saw her waiting for me inside the cafe and smiled when she noticed me.

"V oh how I've missed you!" She quickly went towards my direction dragging me  with her

"Sit darling and tell me anything you want to know" she smiled

I sat on the chair in front of her "do you remember Cedric?" I asked as she stopped sipping her tea and chuckled "you mean the guy that's obsessed with you?"

I nodded as she put her cup on the table "what about him?" She asked

"I know he's saying shit all the time just to make me fall into his trap but this one's different. I feel like this time he's telling the truth" I responded as she looked at me with pure curiosity in her eyes

"He said that my children are alive and I don't only have one son but two" I said as she choked on her tea and coughed "WHAT!?"

"I know it's insane right? But I wanna know if it's true...." I looked at her with pleading eyes

"Well if that's the case, sure let's see if it's real" i immediately smiled as she used her power

"Do you mind?" She asked as I said no and gave her a single strand of my hair

Her power sucked it and a pink thing came out of her palm revealing a small screen

The screen flew in front of us showing my past life with lucifer.

Nothing changed my son and I died.... Wait a second

My eyes widened when I saw a young man on earth that looks exactly like lucifer but with white hair like mine.

The young man got murdered and died. He's currently in heaven

He's been taking care of by Sera?. He looks so happy and joyful with Sera and Emily

I wonder who he is..

The screen then showed another young man with Brown hair and blue eyes that look exactly like Alastor and I who's also in heaven

He's even wearing a glasses which makes him more look like Alastor

Who are they?......

The screen showed the two young man as I examine their features.

"Who are they?" I asked as Lucille laughed "they are your sons" the screen disappeared

"What? But my son didn't survive the attack. " I looked at her in disbelief "he didn't but he got reincarnated like you and then died again but he's in heaven now being take care of by your friends" she quickly responded "then the other young man?"

"He's your child with Alastor."

"WHAT!? but Alastor and I didn't have a child" I responded

She frowned "did vox really messed up your memory that bad that you forgot you had a son with Alastor....?"

I felt myself wanting to pass out about the news

"So those two are my................ Children?" I asked and saw her nodded

I couldn't believe that it's true as millions of questions popped up on my mind

Did they had a nice life before they died?

Did they ever think about me?

"Violet" my thoughts got interrupted as Lucille tapped my shoulder "huh- yes?"

"You okay?"

"Yes I'm fine.." She sighed "don't lie to me"

"It's just that.... I felt so guilty because I wasn't there to take care of them. Sure my child with Alastor got adopted when he was little but I know what it feels like to look for my real mother... And my son with lucifer does he even know I'm his real mother?" I frowned and looked outside

"Violet.. " she sighed and put her hand on my shoulder "hey I know what you're thinking and it's not your fault that you weren't there for them"

"Your life was messed up. You've been through a lot I'm sure if you meet your children in the future they'll understand..." She said

"You've been killed, reincarnated and died again, manipulated and got raped. You've been through so much. you didn't deserve all of that..." She held my hand as I felt tears escaped from my eyes

She hugged me tightly and patted my back "I feel so terrible" I cried to her shoulder and gripped my hand tightly

3rd person's pov

Time skip

You went back to the hotel.

Just how will Alastor and lucifer would react?. You thought and sat on your bed

Your phone suddenly rang as you picked it up and answered it

"Hey...violet" lucifer spoke on the other line as you took a deep breath before answering

"Hey do you need anything?" You answered cheerfully as possible

"No, no I just want to check up on you..... How are you?" Lucifer asked almost in a whisper

"I'm fine... How about you?" You heard him sighed before answering

"I'm doing just fine........ Say can we go out tomorrow?" He asked

"Oh yeah sure! I'll ask Alastor first" you heard him groaned in annoyance

"Fine." You chuckled "well it's time for us to rest. Good night" he said

"Good night see you tomorrow"

"Yeah see you tomorrow" he didn't finished his sentence as you ended the call

I wonder what he wants to say... Meh nevermind

You laid down on your bed and fell asleep

A/n: Hello everyone thank you for reading this story I appreciate it so much and don't forget to vote! That's all and have a great day gorgeous bye bye!!

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