Chapter 10

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Your pov

Today is the extermination day. We prepared ourselves for the battle and waited for the exterminators to arrive

A giant portal suddenly opened in the sky as an army of exterminators came out and started attacking us

Alastor created a giant shield to prevent the angels from going in and out as we all slaughtered the angels that are inside the shield.

I looked up at the sky and saw Adam. Fuck-

He destroyed the shield allowing more angels to attack us "fuck" I heard angel dust said

"Adam first man, next to die" Alastor said "who the fuck are you?" Adam responded at alastor

"Alastor-" I didn't quite heard what are they talking about as I slaughtered every angels I see

Fuck Charlie-, I saw an angel trying to attack Charlie behind her back I used my forcefield to shield Charlie and blasted a huge a mount of power to the angel as it hit the wall with a loud thud

"You okay?" I teleported next to Charlie "I'm okay thanks aunty" she smiled

"They're too many" I said and looked at
Vaggie, angel dust, husk, cherri and niffty fighting the angels

Lucifer where are you?....

"All angelic weapons fire at will" sir pentious said as the cannon shoot by themselves

"Right flank advance! Left flank watch your six." Sir pentious commanded on the cannibals and looked down at Charlie and vaggie "Ladies there are more coming up on your right"

"Get ready for them vagatha!" He shouted "not my name but got it" vaggie responded and attacked an angel

"Sorry, sorry" Charlie kept apologizing to every angel she attack. I facepalm and helped her

"Now's not the time babe" vaggie said "ohh right. Die motherfuckers" Charlie blasted a fireworks towards the angles

"This fucking angels won't stop comin" husk said as we heard angel dust laughed sarcastically "Okay I walked right into that one"

We heard a loud boom and looked at Adam "suck my holy light fuckers yeah!" He suddenly blasted his power to Charlie, vaggie and niffty as they fell to the ground

"What? But alastor was supposed to handle him.... Oh no he must be-" I heard Charlie and my eyes widened in fear

He's not dead right!? Please.....

"We aren't going to last long unless we do something about him" vaggie said while looking at Charlie

I saw an angel trying to attack me from behind. I used my power and blasted her away as her blood scattered at the floor

We saw pentious thrusters floated into the air "pentious?" Charlie asked as we all looked at the thrusters "that crazy mother fucker" angel dust said

Fuck he's too close to Adam. Adam turned around and blasted a huge amount of power to pentious thrusters. In a blink of an eye the thrusters is gone

"NOOOOOO" Charlie and I shouted. I felt tears started to fall from my eyes

"Fuck, you did good buddy" I heard angel said while closing his eyes in pain

"No no no" vaggie dropped her spear and wrapped her arm around Charlie's shoulder "Charlie I'm so sorry" Charlie gritted her teeth and pushed vaggie away "Razzle Dazzle"

They went to Charlie as a huge fire surrounded her and transformed her into her demonic appearance

Razzle and dazzle transformed into dragons as vaggie and Charlie rode them. They flew towards Adam and lute

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