Chapter 3

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Vox's POV

I looked at violet and grabbed her hand  "let's go back to val's department" I put my hands on her shoulder and lean slightly "don't inhale any of the smoke he puff okay?" She looked at me confused

God oh how i want to destroy that innocent face

"Ok?" we then teleport to Valentino's department and saw him scrolling through his phone while smoking

He noticed us and smiled widely "voxy" he stands up from his chair and went towards us

"I need to talk to you in private" he said and puffed out a smoke

"Violet darling please make yourself comfortable we'll be back" val assist violet to sit on the couch

After that Val walk towards the door waiting for me to follow him, I followed him as we both went to his room

"Kitty I need a drink here" val said as his maid immediately gave him a cup of liquor

"What do you wanna talk about?" He smirked and took a sipped on his drink

"You've made a deal with her didn't you?" He chuckled darkly while looking at me "wanna tell me what the deal is?"

I rolled my eyes and smirked "oh it's nothing really just her soul and body"

He chuckled "I'm guessing you didn't let her read the contract? She won't sign that contract and make a deal with you if she read it so I guess I'm right"

I laughed "oh you know me too well val"
"What if she finds out?" He smiled mischievously "what are you gonna do?"

"Nothing val in fact even if she finds out she can't do anything about it because I own her soul"

I know that girl has powers so I made a contract that includes her power's, She can't use her power's on me so if that little bitch ever tried to escape me I'll make sure to hunt her down.

Your pov

okay What the hell is wrong with these people!? I groaned in annoyance while rubbing my temples

"Hey wanna fuc-" I punched the guy in the face before he can continue his sentence leaving him unconscious on the ground

The others stared at me "what?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance as they immediately looked away "perverts" I sighed and laid down on the couch

I yawned feeling drowsy, I closed my eyes and fell asleep

Vox's pov

We went back to Val's department and saw Violet sleeping peacefully on the couch

"Look's like the little princess fell asleep" val said while chuckling

I went towards her and carefully picked her up "I'mma put this kid to bed" I sighed and left Valentino's department.

I laid violet down on my bed and put the blanket on her body to keep her warm

I held her face slowly examining it, meh I gotta admit she's pretty

I then noticed a ring on her finger, I gently grab her hand and looked at the ring on her finger

Is she married before she died? I rolled my eyes and smirked she won't need it anymore

I slowly removed the ring off of her finger, much better I thought

Time skip

Your pov

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings "where am i?"

"You're in my room" I heard vox said while approaching me, I looked at my hand to check if my wedding ring is still there which it sadly doesn't

I panicked slightly and tried to look for it "where the fuck is it?" Vox chuckled behind me "what are you looking for?"

"My wedding ring I think I lost it"

Vox pov

I pretend to be confused and ask her "you're married?" She looked at me and sighed "yes but my husband died and i don't know if we're still married anymore"

Hm I wonder who's her husband,
"If you need someone to talk to I'm always here" I smiled and sat beside her as I pulled her into a hug.

I gently ran my fingers through her hair
Inhaling her scent god she smells like vanilla okay I really need to stop inhaling her scent like a creep

I felt her hands slowly wrapped around my waist "thank you" she said

I couldn't help but smiled in happiness
I can't recall the last time I really smiled because of happiness, all the smile those people see are always fake..

We broke the hug and smiled to our selves "oh right, velvette wants to see you" I said

Your pov

"Oh" I stand up and walk towards the door "see you later" I heard vox said

I turned around and smiled at him I said goodbye and went to velvette's department

"Oh violet dear finally your here" she smiled and grab my hand "do you need anything?" I smiled

"I need you to come with me to a fashion show darling" I Confusingly looked at her "right now?"

"Yes right now, so let's go" she dragged me into the Lamborghini and drove off to God knows where

After a few minutes we finally arrived as we both went inside ,not gonna lie but this place actually looks pretty than I expected

"Violet darling come along I wouldn't want you to get lost" she said and wait for me to catch up.

We went inside into a big ass room and saw a lot of models "miss velvette right this way" a man said while escorting me and velvette to a chair where we could watch the show clearly.

The show started and the models began to walk one by one, I could see velvette's glare at the clothes they wore examining it like a hawk, she's scary when it comes to fashion

Time skip

The fashion show ended and we both went back 'home'

"So violet did you enjoy the show?" She asked while scrolling through her phone "oh yes, of course" I smiled "it's dinner time vox and Valentino are probably waiting for us, let's go"

I followed velvette after a few minutes of walking we saw a door with a V design on it she opened the door revealing vox and Valentino talking with each other

They noticed us and smiled "sup fuckers?" Velvette chuckled and dragged me with her as she signaled me to sit down next to her

I sat beside her "how's the show ladies? " val smirked "oh it was great we both enjoyed it right darling?" Velvette chuckled, I nodded agreeing with her

I watched val's maid put our meals on the table, I adore her so much she's so cute I wonder where he gets one of those

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