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The wedding is done, and now Bondita is officially Bondita Anirudh Roy Chowdhury

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The wedding is done, and now Bondita is officially Bondita Anirudh Roy Chowdhury. Everyone congratulated them. When Bondita said goodbye to her "Mama, Mami, and Sampoorna" before going to her husband's house, she couldn't help but cry.

On the other side, Anirudh and his men's were worried. They knew that their enemies were planning to hurt Bondita. So, they were on high alert, making sure to protect Bondita from any potential harm during this important time.

Surrounded by secretaries and bodyguards, Bondita and Anirudh walked towards their waiting car, enveloped in a protective cocoon. The air buzzed with excitement as it was the wedding of a mafia king, and the night sky was lit up with a dazzling array of fireworks.

On the ground, a row of Anirudh's men stood, each holding their guns pointed upwards. In a coordinated effort, they fired into the sky, creating a mesmerizing display. This collective gesture was not just a display of firepower; it was a regal welcome, a symbolic acknowledgement of Bondita stepping into her role as the mafia queen.

As the echoes of gunfire reverberated, it marked the beginning of a new chapter for Bondita and Anirudh, surrounded by an air of grandeur and anticipation. The scene unfolded like a tableau, blending the excitement of a mafia celebration with the royal welcome befitting their newfound status.

Bondita felt scared amidst the elaborate mafia celebration. The continuous gunfire made her uneasy, and her veil, meant to enhance her bridal look, covered much of her view, adding to her anxiety. Despite the grand atmosphere, she couldn't shake off the fear, a stark contrast to the joyous occasion around her.

With another gunshot startling her, Bondita's fear escalated, causing her to tightly clutch Anirudh's hand. The combination of the sudden sound, her flowing veil, and anxiety threatened to overwhelm her, risking a stumble.

Sensing her distress, Anirudh, feeling the firm grasp on his hand, glanced down. Without uttering a word, he responded with a gentle and understanding gesture. Using his free hand, he slowly lifted the veil from Bondita's face, recognizing that it hindered her movement.

As the delicate fabric lifted, Bondita met Anirudh's gaze. However, the serenity was short-lived as another gunshot pierced the air. Reacting swiftly, Bondita closed her eyes tightly, re-clutching Anirudh's hand with renewed intensity, seeking comfort and stability in the midst of the disconcerting sounds around them.

Anirudh simply ignored and continued moving forward.

But within the row of Anirudh's men, a man smirked, lowering his gun before redirecting it towards Bondita.

The man smirked and said, "I'm so sorry, Mrs.Anirudh Roy Chowdhury. Your wedding day is going to be your last day," as he prepared to shoot.

As he fired, the bullet was on course to hit Bondita, but Anirudh swiftly pulled her to the other side. The bullet just touched Anirudh's hands, causing him to close his eyes in pain.

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