Chapter 1

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Lyra's POV

I walked through an old growth forest the light from a full moon lights my path through the ancient trees. I am wearing a flowing white dress with golden details of vines and knots that seems to glow in the moons light and my feet are bare allowing me to feel the soft, damp moss below my feet. I don't feel the pain that is a daily reminder of who I am and what my captors feel I deserve, I can see no bruises or scars. I continue my walk listening to the sounds of the forest around me birds chirping, small animals as they run from tree to tree, and the sound of the cicadas emerging from their slumber.

In the distance I see a clearing, feeling drawn that direction I pick up the pace of my stroll. The wind changes directions and I smell it the smell of a bonfire and fresh ozone, now my feet moved of their own accord picking up more speed. The sounds around me seemed to fade away except for a very faint sobbing and running water. I made my way to the clearing keeping to the edges and saw a large shadowy silhouette sitting on top of a small waterfall falling into a crescent shaped pool below. The light of the full moon made it seem as the pool was glowing a faint white.

I wanted nothing more than to run to the side of the silhouette and heal their pain taking it up on myself and away from them, but something in me told me to keep to the shadows.  My heart beat faster as I continued to watch the figure the smell was stronger now and I was drawn to it. The shadow figure just sat there hands running through unbloomed flowers quietly sobbing. I thought of the flowers blooming under their touch, flowers always cheer me up even on bad days I thought wishing to take away some of the pain this person must be feeling. To my surprise a small glimmer of green light left me and flowed towards the flowers racing across the ground and up the side of the falls. The flowers bloomed as the wind shifted behind me blowing my scent towards this figure. Their head shot up as the flowers bloomed in their grasp and my scent hit them. They frantically looked all around trying to catch a glance of me when I see piercing ice blue eyes
*end of the dream*

I was awoken by the pain after passing out from another brutal beating by my stepfather and stepbrother. I thought back to the dream I had just awoken from racking my brain as to its meaning. I had been having similar dreams lately, seeing places I have never seen and watching people but never seeing their face. The dreams had given my an escape a view into the outside world or at least a version of it, taking me away from my pain and torture. I surveyed the other injuries cause by them over the last few days brusies littered my body, deep cuts with dried blood covered my arms and legs and I could feel the broken ribs with every breath. I wondered how long I had been out this time had it been hours or days. I slowly moved myself into a sitting position on the side of the makeshift bed and put my hand to my face to see what injuries were there finding split lips and a broken nose.

I knew things would only get worse in the coming days and weeks as my 18th birthday drew closer and closer. I could only hope for one of two things to happen my 'stepfather' to finally beat me to death or to find a way out and hopefully find my mate. I knew the more plausable option was to be beaten to death by the men holding me here, escape seemed impossible someone was always watching me if I was outside of the basement and no one outside of  my stepfather, stepbrother and the 'beta' knew I existed so I had no help or friends here. I had been alone for so long I had honestly forgotten how to interact with people, my mother had died going on 5 years ago. I blamed myself even though I knew the monster who had taken us killed her, but she died protecting me. He took everything out on me as did his son who had many times tried to make me warm his bed.

I couldn't hear any noises upstairs so my tormentors must have been asleep or out of the house meaning I had time to comfort and clean myself. I gently made my way to the corner trying my best not to make any noice and carefully removed a lose stone from the wall revealing a small pocket containing my only possessions.  It wasn't much just a beat up and battered sketchbook that was beginning to fall apart  stuffed full of scrap papers, a small ornate tin containing a few pencils and erasers, and lastly a small golden triquetra charm on a leather cord hidden in the tin as well.

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