chapter 3

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A light could be seen just ahead I quickly rushed towards it hoping that I had finally taken too much for my small weak body. Once I found my way to the light it was a beautiful meadow filled with wildflowers and tall grasses surrounding a tall oak tree. I could just make out a shape under the tree so I made my way over and was startled to find a large white wolf with a small black crescent moon and star on her forehead sleeping under the tree.
As I got closer the wolf slowly stretched and opened her eyes to take me in.

"Hello Lyra" she spoke into my mind.

"H-hello" I replied out loud  thoroughly confused as to what was going on. "I haven't heard that name in years just runt, pup or bastard"

"I'm Arya, your wolf don't be afraid"  she chuckled as she slowly stood and walked closer to me

"He finally did it didn't he? I am dead aren't I?" I asked her almost relieved.

"You aren't dead Lyra" she replied.

"How?" Was I could manage to get out and I took in how majestic my wolf was holding a hand out to her.

"It is your birthday Lyra you are now 18 but we can not let your captors know. They think your birthday is still a few weeks away we need to get you out before then." She told me as she nuzzled into my hand

"How? I am locked away with no way out" I asked rubbing between her ears."and after what just happened I don't think I can even move for a few days

"We can figure out the how later" she replied leaning into the scratches "I can heal you some internally and leave the outside looking the same I am not sure how much I can do with you being so malnurished and weak but I can try"

I just nodded my head and took a seat beside her under the tree. I sat there for what felt like hours until she told me it was time to go back.

I woke up with a jolt, I was covered in blood and sweat my heart pounding. I forced myself to look down at my stomach and felt tears threatening to fall at the sight, no skin was left unmarked. I slowly moved to get up and the pain ripped through me for only a split second before Arya spoke to me "I will take care of it" and I let out a sigh as the pain dissapated. I touched my face remebering the last thing he had done to me and felt blood still flowing and the deep cut. I slowly made my way over to the bucket in the corner of the room and tried to clean the blood off myself as best I could when I could hear voices upstairs. I could make out it was my stepfather and stepbrother talking about me.

"Once she turns 18 you are to mark her and claim her right away! I don't care if you have found your mate or not!" My stepfather Michael yelled at Bradley my stepbrother.

"I don't want an ugly filthy runt as my mate! I have found my mate!" He yelled back "it's not my fault you killed her whore of a mother"

"You will claim her! She is important to our plan you idiot! Keep your mate as a bed warmer if you must"  Michael yelled as I heard the sound of his hand hitting flesh.

"Fine" bradley sighed.

"now go wake up the little mutt she passed out during my fun last night and I'm hungry" I heard him snear
"I want breakfast on the table when I come back down from a shower" he yelled  as I heard his heavy footsteps fade further into the cabin.
I heard footsteps approach the basement door and move back to my bed. "Arya this may be our chance are you ready?" I thought through my link.

"I will have to be" she replied with determination "once we get outside just run as hard as you can"

I heard footsteps on the stairs and made my way back to the bed. I pretended to be asleep to lure him closer the the mattress and away from the door "Get up Mutt!" Bradley yelled as he entered my 'room' "dad is hungry and expects food by the time he comes back downstairs after a shower"

"Now" Arya yelled in my head as I pushed Bradley down letting her strength flow into me as I went for the knockout blow to the temple. Once I was sure he was out I quickly grabbed the small bag I had made from a old shirt and threw in my sketchbook and pencils along with another shirt and bolted up the stairs. I ran as hard as my legs allowed through the back door and into the forest knowing it wouldn't be long before he knew I was gone.

Once into the forest and out of sight Arya allowed me to slow instructing me to strip down and put my clothes if you could call the fabric scraps that into my bag so she could shift. I shifted into Arya's form picking up the makeshift bag in her mouth and we began to run again as fast as our legs would carry us.

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