chapter 19

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Keegan's POV

I held Lyra's sleeping body in my arms as I carried her back to the hospital and couldn't help but smile. My little mate was perfect in every way for me the way her body molded into my chest as I held her, the way she instinctually held her head in the crook of my neck, and the small sounds she made as she slept in my arms.

I was lost in my own thoughts as we walked but was quickly pulled back to reality when I heard Jeremy raising his voice at someone just behind me. I turned to see some scantily clad she wolf arguing with him and needed to know why.

"Is there a problem here Jeremy?" I asked in a hushed tone careful not to wake Lyra.

"Just a shewolf who doesn't know how to respect her queen" he spoke aloud but he added more in the mind link "She said some pretty nasty stuff about Lyra being a rouge whore pretty sure she is a nurse at the pack hospital"

"This is not my pack so your Alpha will carry out your punishment, but I am your king and she is your queen and you will respect her. If I hear of rumors and lies spread about the queen I will hold you solely responsible." I seethed out "oh and she is your future Alphas sister so I am sure he will punish you severely for speaking so callously about his family and someone of Alpha blood"

"Jeremy drag her to the pack house and let them know what was said and that I will leave punishment to them for the time" I ordered through the mindlink.

"Yes Alpha" he answered me while grabbing her arm.

I turned back towards the hospital and walked a little quicker this time to get my precious mate back to safety. As I entered the room I couldn't bring myself to part from her. I knew this was a risk but I sat on the edge of the bed Lyra still in my arms and slipped out of my shoes.

I slowly positioned myself in the bed and moved my arm holding her legs allowing her to move freely. Still asleep she slowly stretched her legs down, her head still nestled in the crook of my neck and her hand laying gently atop my heart.

I fished in my pocket for my cellphone to take a picture in order to remember this moment. Her Auburn hair pooled around her like a halo,  constellations of freckles unbothered by the gash across her nose and cheeks,  and the gentle rise and fall of her breath creating a calming rhythm.

I snapped the picture of the two of us and decided to start a group chat with the leadership group of my pack and their mates to get everyone up to date and set up some things for our arrival back to Shadow Moon.

**Hey guys just wanted to get everyone on the same page and need help setting some stuff tomorrow.

First off if you haven't heard I found my mate, her name is Lyra Brightstone she has been held captive by rogues for the last 14 years and was tortured, starved and beaten so be prepared the has very visible scarring including a cut across her face done with Silver. She is very timid and shy so please don't take anything personal. I know that she does or did have a wolf but as of this moment she is unable to connect with her so please don't bring up her wolf.

Secondly and this will probably fall more to the girls. I have learned 2 things so far she loves art and flowers, I already asked Wren to set up a small art studio for her but will you guys fill the alpha wing with flowers for me? They really help to calm her when she is having a panic attack and I want her to feel as comfortable as possible. Maybe we can get a small garden started behind the pack house too and let her pick out flowers? Also I need someone to set up a small welcome party in the game room on my floor.

Lastly and most importantly I still have not informed my father so here is where I am really going to need everyone's help tomorrow. I need you to make sure my father is not at the pack house when we arrive back to the pack, I would like this group to be the first to meet her in a small gathering in the game room on my floor. After this gathering I will be leaving you all in charge of keeping her safe while I go to inform my father of the news. The last thing I need is him scaring her or making some rude comments about her.**

No sooner than I hit send on the group text did message beging to flood in

*Look at you being a big softy!* Wren shot off

*I am so happy for you Keegan! I will make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow making plans now* Kassie, Jeremy's mate replied

*OMG Cade never tells me anything! I'm so glad to have another girl in the group absolutely can't wait to meet her* Becca, Cade's mate replied

*I will make sure the warriors keep your dad busy tomorrow, I will ask him to help train and put together a group for me to take the next trip since I am with you* Cillian interjected

*Do you want me to clear out the pack house tomorrow afternoon?* Cade asked

*She is so awesome you guys are going to love her* Jeremy boasted

Even more text flooded in the group text as the 6 made plans for tomorrow

*Thanks everyone! I knew I could count on you to help. If anyone has questions just let me know* I shot off as I began to relax, Lyra still laying on top of me.

*Um big brother we totally need a picture!? We have to see what our wonderful new Luna looks like 😊* Wren replied to me.

*Fine 😂* and I attached the photo I had taken a few minutes prior of Lyra asleep on my chest.

Compliments flooded the chat as everyone commented on her beauty.

I drifted off as the conversation turned back to planning the party tomorrow allowing my breathing to fall in time with hers. I found truly restful sleep for the first time in years as she slept a top me. I was no longer on edge, the storm within always treatening to burst out calmed, and Skol curled up in the back of my mind I truly allowed myself to relax and rest.

Dreams showed me a future I had always wanted. The tempest inside replaced by an ethereal calm. Gone were the deafening cracks of thunder, blinding bolts of lightning, and the acrid stench of smoke. Sunlight peeked through the fluffy grey clouds casting a warm glow on the world. Gentle raindrops, soft as a lullaby, fell to the scorched earth each drop bring life back. I watched as Lyra clad in leggings and a T-shirt danced in the rain allowing it to wash away her past, as she danced she beckoned me to inviting me to join in her dance.

As our hands intertwined I watched as her clothing transformed, gone were the leggings and T-shirt replaced by a flowing white dress adorned with green vines and knots. We continued to dance and as we did I noticed small lines of green streaking off from where our feet fell up on the ground and following these lines with my eyes I would see flowers, bushes and trees pop up where they ended. Eventually both tired we fell to the ground now surrounded by a lush green meadow as raindrops gently fell around us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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