chapter 10

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The meadow faded from around me and noises assaulted my ears, I could hear consistent beeping noises and a faint snoring the scent of bonfire and ozone calming my anxiety. My body felt confined like I was wrapped in something from the feet up except my hands and face. Tingles radiated from my hand and I desperately needed to see the man who had saved me. I slowly opened my eyes to take in the room around me but the brightness caused me to gasp and I quickly shut them again.

I heard a gentle startle from my side and a deep and soothing voice spoke "mate are you awake?" the voice laced with worry barely more than a whisper.

My throat felt as if it was stuffed with cotton and barbed wire, I opened my mouth to speak eyes still tightly closed but nothing came out leaving me to nod my head.

I felt him move closer as he called for a doctor and someone named Jeremy to come quickly. Gently stroking the back of my hand he assured me everything would be okay as I could feel my anxiety growing at the thought of other people, what if they wanted to send me back to Michael, what if my mate couldn't be with me when he saw my body, what if my past was too much for him, what if.

I felt like I couldn't move as I heard others enter the room asking what was going on.

"She is awake" I heard the deep voice that must be my mate speak up relief filling his voice.

"Thats amazing Keegan" another male voice replied excited "has she said anything?"

"No she gasped which woke me up and has nodded her head when I asked her if she was awake but hasn't opened her eyes or spoken" my mate replied his voice soothing me.

"The lights may be too bright and I am sure her throat is dry and sore" an older female voice spoke now "I will turn down the lights and have a nurse bring her water."

"Very well Doctor" mate responded

"I will need to evaluate her now that she is awake, if that is okay my king" the older lady I now knew was a doctor replied. Everything faded away and my mind focuses on two little words she had just spoken 'my king'.

King? King?! King of what? I had heard as a child of the alpha king but once in captivity I felt as if he was a myth because I never heard about a king again. My fear and anxiety rising with each thought I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I wasn't worthy to be mated to anyone let alone an alpha or king. My body is scarred and weak, my face is nothing to write home about, I'm used and broken, and I have no idea how to act around people. I could feel myself gasping for breath as my chest tightened as a panic attack gripped me.

I was pulled from my panic by someone gently rubbing my arm telling me "everything is okay now mate I will protect you" his deep and calming voice washed away the fear. "Now can you open your eyes for me now mate? We turned the lights down so it shouldn't hurt"

I slowly opened my eyes and looked down and saw my body covered in bandages then looking to my side seeing my mate. I gasped as I took in the god of a man sitting next to me rubbing small comforting circles on the back of my hand. His hair was black as night shaved close on the sides but the top was longer and slightly curly, his sharp jaw covered in stubble, his muscles straining against the t-shirt he was wearing , and his tanned skin made his ice blue eyes even more mesmerizing as he looked at me with nothing but love.

I looked around the room and saw another man younger like my mate, who now I knew was named Keegan, so he must be Jeremy,  also saw an older woman,who Keegan said was the doctor, she looked at me and smiled.

"Hello dear, I am Dr. Willowbranch are you okay if I check your wounds and then we can get you some water" she asked.

I darted my eyes between the two men in the room and my face fell pleading her with my eyes. I was afraid for my mate to see my scars but knew at some point he would and I was terrified he would leave me because of them.

"Yes" I croaked out as it burned my throat.

The smile that cut across Keegan's face was magnificent and caused me to smile at him.

"Jeremy why don't you go get your Luna some food and water" Keegan ordered causing him to quickly leave.

The doctor quickly cut away the bandages from my upper body revealing my bruised, puffy, and scarred skin as it healed from the attack but the scars from before shone through bright.

A growl ripped from Keegan shaking the room and causing both the doctor and I to flinch.  I pulled away from him knowing it was all a mistake and he hated me for this, but to my surprise his face fell and sorrow filled his eyes.

"I'm not mad at you mate I am mad at whoever hurt you" he said and I could hear the pain in his voice. 

Tears filled my eyes I didn't believe him, why would a king of all people want a mate that looks like me? "My name is Lyra" I whispered, each word felt like swallowing razor blades, so quitly I am surprised he heard me.

"Lyra" he repeated back to me slowly whipping the tears from my eyes"that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. My name is Keegan"

I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I blushed at his words. I leaned into the touch savoring it fearing it would be short lived.

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