chapter 4

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I heard a symphony of howls ring out in the distance behind me and paws padding against the ground. Arya turned to the right towards the sound of running water finding a small creek and running along it for a time  hoping to hide our scent and buy us more time.  Mud caked our fur as I looked through her eyes at the forest before us. I could almost feel the forest pushing us onward cheering us on as we went. Arya was pushing harder than before as the trees became denser as we moved towards an invisible force calling us. We ran for what felt like hours before I could feel us slowing the sun setting above us.

"I can feel a pack nearby Lyra but I am not sure we can make it" Arya whined in my mind "they are closing in and I don't have much left in me after healing you"

"It's okay Arya I have at least known the taste of freedom if we don't" I responded to her trying to hide the fear in my voice.

"I will get us as close as I can then howl for help before we shift back hopefully it will be enough" she sounded determined to save us from the life we had lived "we can't let them see my full form"

The howls were growing closer I could smell the rancid scent of the rogues following me as Arya made our last push letting out a pained howl. I fell as we shifted back and pulled on a ripped and dirty shirt from my bag and continued to run in the direction Arya told me. I tripped and stumbled my way forward I could now feel I was getting close to a pack border and tears filled my eyes at the thought of being saved.

My hope disappeared as I felt claws sink deep into my shoulders as a scream left my lips that rattled the trees around me. I could feel the blood seeping from the wounds and bones breaking as I felt more skin being clawed away before being flipped over to come face to face with my abuser again, furry danced in his eyes.

"You worthless mutt! I should have killed you when I had the chance" he yelled as he shifted back partially leaving his claws extended. He slashed deep across my chest and stomach.

I feared for my life until I heard a new set of howls rang out and watched as the look in his eyes changed from furry to fear. I knew deep inside that I would be saved by the wolves coming.

He stood up from me and shifted again taking a defensive stance looking around. I could hear more wolves getting close it must be the pack Arya was trying to get us to. The wind shifted as black dots played at the edges of my vision and the scent from my dreams reached my nose bonfire and ozone.

I could feel Arya stirring in my mind as the scent hit us. I could feel how weak she was from healing my injuries then shifting and running, who knows how long we had ran it had been before noon when I escaped and the moon was rising above us. I knew she had been pushed to her limits because of me and I felt horrible that I might be the cause of her death. The thought frightened me I couldn't be alone again I don't think I could handle it. "Mate" she softly purred to me as she curled into a ball. I could see her perfectly in my mind and I noticed the blood coating he paws and lower legs even in my mind. I didn't know it was possible to see the injuries of your wolf like this.

I could hear the sound of fighting around me as I closed my eyes and curled into a ball on the ground from the pain. I could tell Arya wasn't healing me and I couldn't feel her in my head anymore she must be drained from our escape attempt and I just prayed that the moon goddess would allow me  to at least see the wolf with the amazing scent.

All the sounds around me were muffled but I could hear fighting and yelling all around me. After what seemed like forever it was quite again but darkness threatened to take me a gentle tingle went up my arm. I could hear a frantic muffled voice and opened my eyes to be met by piercing blue eyes and  from my dreams "mate" I mouthed as darkness took me yet again.

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