chapter 2

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I still remember the day my mother had snuck them down to me all those years ago. They had all been hers but she feared her days were growing numbered so she gave it to me half full of her drawings of family, friends and flowers. She told me that having this book had brought her a sense of normalcy in the hell that we called a life and wanted me to have the same. The necklace had been a gift to her from my father upon my birth. For almost 6 years now I have hidden it away and added my own art to the sketchbook when I needed to calm myself and dreamed of the day I could wear the necklace always sure to hide them from the monsters keeping me here.

I sat in the sectioned off corner of the basement that had been my 'room' for the last fourteen years my sketchbook on my lap. I carefully searched for a small open space and took one of the small pencil I had left and sketched the delicate flowers and waterfall from my dreams. I flipped through the pages to find my favorite sketch one my mother did of my father and brother Aiden. I was forever grateful that I had this sketch of them and a way to calm myself as I added to the book. I slowly ran my fingertips over their faces as I let out a silent prayer to the moon goddess that I would gain my wolf and be allowed to avenge the deaths of my family and escape this prison my life had become.

I missed my family the memories of my father and brother were few and far between because of my age at the time of the incident, but my mother told me stories to keep them alive in my heart. I have plenty of memories of my mother mostly her trying to keep me safe here but also of her talent as an artist and singer. I still held out hope that maybe I would be found by my mate and swept away from this life but knew anyone setting foot near this camp would be as horrible as those keeping me here. No one cares about rogues as long as they didn't attack a pack and Michael may be an idiot but he wasn't that stupid.

A door slamming upstairs catches my attention causing me to quickly hide the sketchbook and pencils my mother had given me. It was the only thing I could call my own and all I had left of her, I pulled out the stone I had loosened and stuffed the book and tin inside replacing it back and quickly moved away from the corner towards the dirty mattress in the middle of the floor.  Pain ripped through me as I moved towards my bed the deep gashes reopening and half healed bones threatening to break again but I kept quite refusing to let them know I was in pain. Footsteps shook the stairs that led to the basement and the smell of alcohol hit my nose telling me it was my stepfather.

"Where are you, you worthless pup?" He yelled as he got to the bottom of the stairs.  The door opened and he stumbled towards me the silver knife in his hand glinting with each step. I shook as fear and panic gripped me knowing that when he drank like this the worst would happen. He reached out pushing me onto my back as he held me to the bed  using his other hand to push up my shirt as he took the knife to my stomach.
"You ruined everything, you little bastard" he yelled as the he dug the knife deeper Black dots played at the edge of my vision with each pass of the blade across the delicate skin of my abdomen, I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth.  I heard him call me by my mother's name

"You look too much like her, you are nothing but a useless runt. You made me kill her!" He yelled even louder but I watched as the knife now reached my face cutting a deep gash across my cheeks and nose the taste of blood becoming overwhelming as I felt him stand from the mattress. I closed my eyes hoping that death would take me away from this pain and the life I would be stuck in if I wasn't able to escape. Darkness took me as it had before with the worst beatings but this time was different.

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