chapter 11

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The doctor continued her exam of my body, and explained I was lucky to still be alive drawing a low growl from my mate.

"Well Lyra it seems your wounds are healing nicely, I think we can leave the bandages off and get you in some real clothes. I believe your beta will be back soon with breakfast so I will have a nurse bring a gown"

"No need for the gown" Keegan spoke up pulling his shirt over his head"she can wear my shirt and I will get another". I watched as he swiftly pulled his shirt over his head holding it out to me.

I slowly took it from him and slipped it over my head breathing his scent in deeply letting it relax me.

"Very well my king. I will give you both some time alone but will be back later to unhook some machines and get her out of bed" the doctor looked us both over as she made her way out of the door.

The bliss of the last few minutes faded as I remembered my bag containing my only possessions. I frantically looked around the room my heart beat racing hoping someone had found it. I moved to try and search but Keegan put his hand out rubbing my arm.

"Lyra calm down I am here. Whats wrong?" He asked looking around the room for danger

"B-b-bag" I stuttered hoping he understood as I continued to look around frantically.

"I have it Lyra it's safe" Keegan moved to pick something up. He held out the small tin and the sketchbook to me "you're very talented"

I smiled as he complimented my talent and took them from him opening the case to make sure everything was there and flipping through the sketchbook making sure everything was there. My hands were shaking and I couldn't open the tin so I held it out to Keegan pleading him with my eyes to help. He gently took the tin from my hands and opened it, he looked at the stubs for pencils and noticed the necklace.

"Is this what you were worried about being gone?" He asked as he pulled out the golden pendant on the worn leather cord.

I shook my head in the affirmative glad he understood me.

"Lyra, do you want to wear it?" He asked and held it out to me "I can help you put it on"

"C-can I?" I stuttered terrified it was all a dream.

"Of course Lyra, it is yours"

Tears filled my eyes as I thought of all times I wanted to wear it but knew it would be taken, I still remember my mother wearing it when Michael was out to honor my father.  I just nodded my head and prayed to the moon goddess to allow this to be.

Keegan gently slipped the leather cord over my head moving my hair out of the way and positioned the charm on my chest we just sat there in silence for a few minutes as I flipped through my sketchbook when there was a knock at the door.

Keegan's eyes glazed over meaning he was mind linking someone "my beta Jeremy is here with food for us, is it okay if he comes in and meets you?"

I nodded nervously, I wasn't sure about it but also knew I couldn't tell an alpha no I knew that would only get me beat. He watched me closely and took my hand in his.

"Lyra it's okay if you aren't ready to see other people, but I promise Jeremy will only ever protect you as his Luna and Queen"

I relaxed at his touch and just smiled nodding it was okay for Jeremy to enter. After a moment there was another quick knock and the door slowly opened peeking around the door was a young man with chocolate brown hair and green eyes. He stepped into the room with a large tray of food and drinks, he sat the tray on a table behind Keegan.

The food smelled amazing, I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten real food, I was normally only fed scraps that were nearly inedible by the time they were given to me. As if on que my stomach growled loudly, Keegan smiled when he heard the sound, but I began to shake worried it would be like before when I was punished for being hungry or my stomach growling. My nervousness faded as Keegan assured me it was okay to be hungry I had been in a coma for almost a week while rubbing small circles on my arms.

"Jeremy why don't you fix your Luna a plate and introduce yourself"

*Authors note- hopefully you guys are liking the story so far. Sorry for the shorter chapter but I injured my hand over the weekend and it is hindering my ability to type so there may be a slight delay in chapters coming out. Please let me know your thoughts so far and let me know what you are looking forward too*

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