chapter 12

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Keegan's POV

I could barely contain my anger at this point, but knew that I needed to remain calm until I was able to talk to the others and make a plan.  Skol whined in my mind informing me that he couldn't communicate with her wolf right now and he was worried, he thought her wolf should have woken up with her. The storm within me was raging yet again threatening to burst free at any moment but as soon as I looked at my tiny mate laying in the hospital bed waiting for her Beta to bring her food I knew I needed to calm down before I scared her.

I sat beside Lyra as Jeremy moved a table on wheels over to us and placed 2 large plates overflowing with bacon, sausage, eggs, and even several types of pastries.

"It is so nice to meet you Luna! I am so glad you are awake, I am you Beta Jeremy Swiftmark. I can't wait to learn all about you and for you to meet my mate when we get back to our pack I just know you will love each other and be fast friends."

Lyra's eyes grew wide as she looked between Jeremy and the plate sat down for her and yet again began to shake uncontrollably.  I rubbed small circle on her arm and used my other hand to gently touch her cheek nudging her to look at me.

"Lyra I promise you will never be hurt by anyone ever again, myself, Jeremy and every other pack member would fight to the death for you. You are allowed to do anything that you want, eat anything you want, and say anything you would like. You are the Luna of the Shadow Moon pack and Luna Queen now and are free to do as you wish" I assured her as we looked into each other's eyes. I couldn't make out the look on her face as tears filled her eyes and she smiled up at me.

"Sorry if I scared you Luna I'm just really glad Keegan found you" Jeremy spoke up rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and his face was red.

Lyra just nodded her head to him in acknowledgment and gave a small smile then looked back at me.

"let's get you some water first my little wolf" I suggest as I saw her staring at the pitcher jeremy had brought us. I poured her a glass and my heart broke as I watched her try to pick it up but quickly put it back down because her hands were shaking that bad. Her face fell and tears came to her eyes as she looked defeated and worried, she just pulled her hands away and looked into them.

"Hey, hey it's okay Lyra I promise" I cooed at her trying to make it better "look I can hold it for you until you have your strength back" 

I picked up her glass and grabbed a straw the nurse had left earlier and held the cup for Lyra. She quickly drained the whole glass of water as if she hadn't drank in weeks and just looked back at the pitcher silently asking for more. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself knowing no one would believe I had a soft side, that I could even be capable of being tender and caring to someone. I filled a second glass for her and she drank it down quickly as well then looked at me with eyes filled with resolve and sadness.

"Thank you Alpha" she spoke barely at a whisper.

"Lyra you don't have to call me alpha I am your mate and equal my name is Keegan" I replied as I held her hand. I knew my face showed my disappointment that she hadn't called me mate or by my name.

"It's okay Keegan you can reject me I can tell you are disappointed by having me as a mate" tears filled her eyes as she looked up at me from the hospital bed "I have known freedom now and that is all I ever wanted"

My heart broke into a million pieces as she spoke my tears fell freely as I looked into her tears filled eyes. I couldn't stand that she had felt nothing but pain her whole life up until now and almost welcomed death to take her.

"L-lyra I could never reject you" I choked out and I whipped tears from her eyes "the Moon goddess has blessed me with you I could never be disappointed in having you to rule beside me. I was just upset that you thought you needed to call me Alpha."

She just looked at me with a confused expression on her face at my confession to her.

"Thank you A-  Keegan" she replied as she slowly reached out her trembling hand to touch my cheek whipping my tears in return a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

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