chapter 18

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A few moments later Keegan's eyes glazed over before looking at me "Are you ready dear?" He spoke as he reached out his hand to me.

I just nodded and took his hand, as I stood once again my feet betrayed me causing pain to radiate up my legs causing me to falter. Keegan scooped me into his arms causing a small gasp to leave me. He chuckled as he carried me out of the room and through the hospital, anyone who saw us bowed or showed their necks in submission.

The walk to the pack house was short and we were met by Jeremy on the steps.
"Alpha Eli and Aiden had everyone clear out for us so we don't overwhelm Lyra, but they did ask if they could join us for dinner"

"That's fine" I answered without even thinking or allowing Keegan to talk first. I ducked my head and braced to be yelled at or hit but nothing came just a slight chuckle that made me smile.

"Well it seems as if our queen has decided" Keegan smiled as he looked down at me in his arms walking through the door.

He bent his head closer to me and whispered in my ear "Would you like me to put you down or would you prefer I continue to hold you?"

I was so taken back by his gentleness and concerned with what I wanted, I had never experienced this before but I still don't know if I can trust it. "I-i feel safe" I stuttered out wrapping my arms a little tighter around his neck as we approached the small group of pack leadership that was to eat dinner with us.

I was introduced to Alpha Eli's wife Luna Vivian and Beta Charles wife Sarah as we made our way through the pack house and to the dinning room. Keegan gently sat me in the chair between himself and Jeremy making sure I was both comfortable and protected. Keegan piled my plate with roast, vegetables, macaroni and a roll before he made himself a plate.

Dinner was wonderful and thankfully I was not asked many questions as the conversation quickly turned to finding those who had held me captive for fourteen years and extra training for Alpha Eli's pack. I sat and listened as the men made plans and made theories on where the rogues would be headed based on where other packs in the area would be.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I yawned but at that moment everything from the last few days caught up with me and I could barely keep my eyes open as we sat at the dining room table. Keegan hand quickly found my shoulder with his gentle touch leaning in to ask if I was alright.

"Just tired" I whispered my reply as I rubbed my eyes "but I am fine we don't have to leave because of me I know you are talking about pack business"

"Alpha, Luna, everyone you will have to excuse us Lyra's day seems to have caught up with her so we need to be heading back to her hospital room." Keegan said as he stood from the table and gently scooped me into his arms "we will be leaving in the morning but I can assure you extra help for training will arrive this week and I am sure we will be back soon as our packs are now bound to each other by blood"

As soon as I was tucked safely into Keegan's arms I began to drift to sleep the voices of well wishes and pleasantries were no more than mumbles as I allowed the mate bond to soothe me into the most restful sleep I could remember.

My dreams took me back to that peaceful meadow where I had met the moon goddess and last seen my wolf. The clearing was now covered with vibrant wildflowers of every color and shape surrounded me giving me even more peace. As I walked towards the tree where I could see silhouettes I could have sworn the flowers moved out of my way bowing to me as I went.

As I grew closer I could make out the silhouettes as Arya and the Moon Goddess causing a gasp to escape me. The gasp caught Arya's attention causing her to begin running my direction while howling happily.  I couldn't contain my happiness and I began to run towards her as well tears falling at finally having my wolf back in some way. 

As we met Arya tackled me to the ground covering me in warm wet wolf kisses as she wiggled around me as if to make sure it was really me. I ran my fingers through her now golden fur scratching her just behind the ears causing her to melt into my touch and her tounge to loll out. I just sat there taking in having Arya with me again when a light chuckle reminded me we were not alone.  Arya and I turned in unison towards the laugh and saw the Moon Goddess approaching laughing quietly all the while.

"It's obvious I made the correct decision putting the two of you together" she chuckled reaching out a hand to me to help me to my feet "you were only truly together one day and this is your reunion it makes an old goddess happy"

Arya fell into step with us as we made our way back to the tree where they had been waiting.

"Thank you Mood Goddess" I spoke as we were walking back.

"For what my dear?

"Allowing me to know freedom" I choked on the last word as I looked at my changed wolf knowing I owed her my life.

"No need to thank me that was all you and Arya" she said patting Arya on the head "I just made sure your mates wolf knew where to go"

I couldn't help but smile at the mention of Keegan and his wolf a slight blush made its way across my cheeks. When we made it to the tree the Moon Goddess motioned for me to set at her feet. She began humming a song that was familiar to me I had heard Keegan humming it earlier to pull me out of a panic attack. As she hummed she began braiding wildflowers into my hair while we sat here Arya settled into my lap her golden fur glistened in the sun as I ran my hand through it.

"Arya will be with you when you go back but please be careful" Selene spoke after a while "don't let just anyone see her as many would do anything to control her powers."

"I will" I didn't know what else to say.

"You will need to learn how to use your powers and you will need to help Keegan control his" she said as she stood "Arya and Skol will be able to help you both just need to listen to them."

"Thank you Moon Goddess"

"Selene is fine my child" she chuckled "now I must go but keep my children safe"

With that she was gone and I was left in this beautiful meadow with Arya happy that I was being given a second chance with her.

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