chapter 17

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Lyra's POV

Keegan held me close to his broad chest as I let all of my worries be known to him. His scent of bonfire and ozone soothed me as we sat alone only sounds of my deep sobs breaking the silence of the room. The sparks from the mate bond grew with each pass across my back.

After what felt like hours of sitting there crying into this god of a man's chest he tapped my arm. Panic gripped me, my past flooding back into my mind, I was terrified that his kindness had ran out. But to my surprise this tap wasnt followed by a slap, kick or harsh words, no as I pulled head from his chest to look at him I was greeted by the sight of a beautiful pink lily.

I couldn't help but smile at his sweet gesture and his soft touch while drying the tears from my cheeks. He made a vow to me that he would love me regardless of if my wolf came back and that he and his wolf would keep me safe the rest of my life. The rest of the afternoon passed mostly uneventful, Jeremy had come back to my room to drop off some clothing for me to wear on our trip back to their pack. Keegan and I had sat mostly in silence just enjoying the closeness and sparks of the mate bond.

Just before Jeremy left to get dinner for us, Dr. Willowbranch came in and finished taking my bandages off and unhooking the IVs from me. I looked down at the new puffy pink scars that wove between long healed silvered marks and my face fell. I could feel the anger rolling off Keegan a low growl rattled the walls as he looked at the scars being uncovered.

My mind raced, I knew we were mates but his anger scared me, I knew I was used and broken and deep inside I knew no one would want me. My mind laughed at my naivity that I truly believed someone, let alone a king, could love me a worthless nobody whose body had been used and abused for years. My mind continued it's assault as it showed image after image of the scars reminding me I was nothing to look at just skin and bones covered in scars. My fingers ran across the newest scar a rough jagged gash across my face reaching cheek to cheek maring the only unmarked skin on my body.

I could feel myself shutting off the outside world, curling in on myself fear gripping each muscle as I shook, and hot tears began flowing freely. I was utterly alone in this moment, I didn't have Arya to talk me down and explain things and the voices of the others in the room were nothing more than muffled mumbles.

"P-p-please" I stuttered out between heavy sobs "I-if your g-going to r-r-reject me d-do it n-now"

I didn't hear the response but before the sentence was finished I could feel the sparks of the mate bond trying to break through my panic.

"I don't want to be hurt anymore" I continued through my sobs, "I know I am not worthy of being your mate"

The sparks began growing stronger and covering more of my body as I felt the bed below me replaced by a lap and I could feel the warmth of his chest behind me. He held me close and the sounds of the room slowly came back to my ears, sobs, but not my own.  I slowly uncurled my body, my tears still falling and muscles shaking with fear of punishment for being weak. I opened my eyes to see Jeremy and Dr. Willowbranch standing near the door tears staining their faces.

Then I felt it ever so subtle just behind me small heaves and jolts, no sounds accompanied them but I knew them all to well. My mate, the king of alphas, sat with me silently crying but why would he be upset. My heart broke at the realization that he was crying because of me, I slowly tried to reposition myself in his arms.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked at his tear soaked face. His blue eyes were closed tightly as his tears fell like a harsh rain upon the desert quick and hot. I nervously raised a shaking hand to his cheek and softly ran my thumb across to dry his tears. He straightened at my touch and opened his eyes, staring deeply into my own, and all I saw was love and adoration.

"I-i could never reject you Lyra" he softly spoke "it would kill me."

He wrapped his strong arms around me as he looked behind to the others in the room and I saw his eyes glaze over for just a moment meaning he was mind linking someone. Keegan dried my tears and just held me for a moment before speaking.

"Neither of you will speak a word of this" he commanded his aura filling the room. There were two quick replies of "yes my king" before I heard the door open and close.

"Lyra dear"  he spoke as he gently raised my eyes to meet his gaze "would you like our beta to go get us dinner or would you like us to go with him to eat"

"I would like to get out of this room, but I don't have the clothes and what would others think if they saw someone like me at your side?" I questioned him.

"We have clothes for you my dear, I can help you put them on and if anyone has anything but praises for their queen they shall be dealt with quickly and with no mercy" he spoke the last part proudly.

"Okay" I didn't know what else to say as Keegan stood from the bed with me in his arms.

"Jeremy why don't you step out and let the pack house know we are coming there for dinner while I get her dressed" he spoke as he carried me towards the bathroom grabbing a stack of clothes on the way.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as we crossed the large room nuzzling into his shoulder letting his scent of bonfire and ozone continue to soothe my anxiety and fear. We reached the bathroom and he gently sat me on the vanity to unfold the small stack of fabric he carried. I watched in confusion as he pulled the tags off of a grey T-shirt and a pair of black leggings and handed them to me.

"I don't deserve anything this nice" I whispered "I only needed hand me downs"

"Lyra, you only deserve the best but this is what we had on short notice" he chuckled but the sorrow in his eyes didn't go unnoticed.

"But I'm not allowed new clothes" I responded.

"Lyra you are allowed anything you want"

"Would you like me to turn around?" He asked.

"It's okay" I sighed he had seen my body at this point I thought to myself "can you help me put on the leggings I'm not sure I can stand well enough let alone balance"

The fabrics were butter soft against my angry skin as he helped me dress. After my clothes were changed he once again scooped me into his arms and walked me back to the bed sitting me on the edge. He reached under the small table nearby and pulled out a pair of sandles and slid them on my feet. The soft cushion of the sandle felt nice against the raw still healing cuts on my feet.

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