Chapter 16

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Keegan's POV

I held Lyra close to my side as we spoke about our search for the rogues who had held her captive. I could feel her body vibrating against me her fear and anxiety palpable in the room. As we spoke more on our efforts to find them I felt her gently nudge my side her golden eyes looking up to me with worry.

I quieted the others allowing her the ability to speak freely within the group. She looked around the room seemingly questioning her decision to get my attention.

"Yes my love" I said gently as gazed into her golden eyes hoping to make her feel more comfortable.

Her voice was soft no more than a whisper "you won't find them". Her face fell, tears threatening to fall as she looked down at her hands in her lap and began to shake nervously yet again.

The storm within me started once again, Skol growled lowly pacing in my mind telling me all of the things he would do to the man who hurt our mate. I could feel my emotions turning dark, that the storm within me was raging at my mates fear of these rogues, but I knew I needed to stay calm in front of her and comfort her.

Closing my eyes I steeled my nerves doing my best to calm the emotions inside of me. Skol growled out that we would find them no matter the cost and I agreed wholeheartedly.

I gently snaked my finger under her chin and raised her eyes to meet mine. I gently wiped the tears from her cheeks with my thumb while staring into her golden eyes dulled by her sadness causing a small smile to tug at the corners of her mouth.

I placed a gentle kiss just above the cut to her eyebrow and spoke just above a whisper making my vow to her in this moment "We will even if it is the last thing I do."

The others in the room seemed to fade away as Lyra and I took in each other. The smile on her face growing slightly at my proclamation, the blue and green flecks in her eyes danced and swirled as I became more and more lost in them. We were pulled from this moment as her brother cleared his throat drawing out attention to him.

"Lyra what do you mean we won't find them?" Aiden spoke up asking the question we all wanted the answer to.

We both broke eye contact and turned to face Aiden, Alpha Eli, and Jeremy sitting across from us. Lyra looked up at me as if asking for permission to speak to the others "it's okay" I whispered "you can speak freely now"

She looked towards the others and closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath to calm her nerves. I could tell she was not used to the freedoms she was receiving from us and I made a mental note to slowly introduce her to people once we made it back to Shadow Moon.

"They will have moved" she sighed sadness and fear could be heard in her voice as she spoke "they have lots of hiding places and have learned to cover their tracks"

"Do you know how to get to where they had you last? If we could get there we may be able to track them." I asked her hoping that it was something she could help us with.

"No" her face fell and tears glistened in her eyes threatening to fall at any moment"my wolf guided us here"

Skol growled in my head before Lyra could even finish "I told you I can't feel her wolf now you have made our mate sad"

"Hey... Hey Lyra don't get upset it's okay" Aiden quickly jumped up and moved to her side.

I wanted to growl at him but knew that would only upset her more. "He is right love its okay we will figure it out " I rubbed circles up and down her arms hoping to calm her emotions.

"I can't feel her" Lyra admitted through a sob as she pulled her knees to her forehead  "I am useless"

These words broke my heart "OUT! All of you. We will finish this conversation later" I commanded as I pulled Lyra into my lap holding her trembling body close to my chest. The three men quickly filed out of the room nodding to me as they left silently letting me know they understood. I mind linked Jeremy and told him to apologize on my behalf and ready everything for our journey back to Shadow Moon Pack.

I held her there in silence my nose nuzzled into the side of her neck taking in her scent and allowing it to calm my emotions. The only sound in the room where her quiet sobs as we just sat there allowing her emotions to flow freely. I rubbed small circles on her back in an effort to comfort her the tingles of the mate bond growing with each completed circle. After what felt like an eternity of just taking each other in and allowing the bond to calm our emotions.

I reached to the table beside the sofa we were on and plucked a single flower from the arrangement without looking. As I looked at the flower I had grabbed I couldn't help but smile at the light pink lily in my hand. I felt it was my mother telling me that I was doing the right thing from wherever she is now. Lilies had always her favorite since she was named after them by her parents. I gently tapped Lyra to get her attention and held the flower to her, she slowly reached for the flower pulling it to her.

A small smile began to play at the edge of her mouth as she looked up to me, her red and puffy eyes expressing her sorrow and love with no words exchanged. I ran my thumb across her cheeks to dry the remaining tears that stained them.

"Everything will be okay Lyra" I whispered as I kissed her forehead softly " I am sure your wolf will be back with you soon and if not I will love you with my whole heart regardless, Skol and I love you and will protect you with our lives"

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