chapter 7

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I busted through the doors to the pack hospital met by a team of doctors and nurses around a gurney. A feral growl escaping my lips as they tried to take her from me caused them all to step back except for an older female doctor who stepped forward with hands raised "Now King Keegan I know you don't want us to touch her but if you want her to make it you need to trust us" her voice calmed me slightly.

"Fine but I am not leaving her side" I stated as I gently put her limp body down on the gurney still gently holding her hand as they rushed us back.

"My king she needs surgery we can't have you distracting and scaring the doctors and nurses" the older lady once again spoke up. I growled at her but she seemed completely unphased by it just shaking her head. "King Keegan if you are worried about your mate you will let us preform the surgery and you will stay in the waiting room after taking a shower and putting on clothes what would she think if she woke up to a naked man covered in blood standing next to her"

I hung my head in shame as I realized she was right, I needed to let them do their thing even if it killed me to do so. "Fine doctor do what is needed. Where can I shower" I relented as she pointed me to an elevator.
"top floor is just for alphas we will bring her there when we are finished my King"
"thank you" is all I could manage as more tears threatened to fall as I watched them rush her farther into the hospital.

I started to mindlink my beta just as he busted through the doors Alpha Eli and Beta Charles close behind.
"how is she Keegan?" Jeremy asked catching his breath and handing me shorts "I have never seen you move that fast"

"They just took her back for surgery" I replied turning to take in the trio "I have never had to before"
"Alpha was she a packmember?" I needed to know who she was.

"No I didn't recognize her or her scent but I think Aiden knew the man attacking her" he responded quickly
"I want to know everything about them" I growled out "they tried to kill my mate"

"Of course my King I believe he and your warriors are on the way back here now they lost the scent. I will have him come straight here."

I noticed Jeremy had something in his hands and could smell her scent on it. I moved to him and asked what he had on him and he held out a makeshift bag with something in it. I need a shower let's head upstairs and see what we have here when everyone gets here. Skol paced in my head whining that he wanted to be with mate as we washed the blood from our body putting on clothes an omega had brought to us. Everytime I closed my eyes all I saw was my mates bloody body I paced back and forth waiting for everyone to get back and to hear from the doctors.

After an hour Cillian and Aiden walked into the room muddy and tired "we lost the scent Keegan" Cillian spoke up worry filling his eyes as I continued to pace.

"Do we know who they were?" I asked as I tried to control myself the storm inside becoming almost unbearable.

"I do King Keegan" Aiden spoke up  catching my attention "he is the same man who killed my family, a rogue with a delusion of power" I could hear the anger in his voice rising.

"Well I can assure that you will get vengeance for your families deaths, he tried to kill my mate" I could hear the gasp at my declaration that she was my mate. I heard the congratulations from everyone in the room and feel the sorrow rolling off of them as to how I had found her. I pulled out the bag Jeremy had foundand gently opened it, inside was a few scraps of clothing, a small tin and a sketchbook. As I pulled out the sketchbook and tin a growl echoed through the room putting me on edge.

"That box was my mother's" Aiden growled out moving quickly in my direction grabbing for the tin.

"calm down!" I released my aura causing him to freeze and make eye contact with me while showing his neck in submission. I noticed the young Alpha to be had the same eyes as my mate but had more questions "Did you have any siblings?"

"A younger sister" his face fell "they never found her or my mother"

"I see how old would she be" I questioned hoping to share good news.

"Today would have been her 18th birthday" his eyes fell and I could sense his sadness.

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