chapter 13

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I immediately melted into her touch relishing every electric pulse of the mate bond. I could feel the storm that has raged within me for 24 years calm, for once there were no lightning strikes and claps of thunder just a gentle rainfall.  I didn't want the moment to end but that wish was short lived as my beta softly cleared his throat from the other side of the room.

I slowly pulled away from her touch holding her hand and smiling as I did. "Why don't you eat something Lyra while I speak with Jeremy"

She just nodded her head as she slowly reached for a piece of toast taking a small bite. She kept her eyes on me as if she was worried I would disappear completely.

I walked over to where Jeremy was waiting for me and waited for him to tell me what was going on.

"Cade says everything is going well at the pack and Wren had gone shopping for her but said to let her know if we found out things she likes to decorate her room" Jeremy quickly spewed "oh and Alpha Eli and Aiden have requested to meet the girl"

"Thank you for the updates on the pack and that will be up to Lyra" I replied "I don't want to overwhelm her. I'm also not so sure Aiden won't accuse her of being a thief after his outburst the other day and I would hate to kill my mates brother if they don't recognize each other"


"Yes they have the same eyes and from looking through the sketchbook it looks like someone had sketched him a few times but I am not going to tell him I want him to figure it out himself "

"Okay I will let them know it will be up to her"

"Thank you Jeremy and can you ask the doctor how long she thinks it will be before we can head back to Shadow Moon?"

"You got it Alpha" he responded as he headed out the door.

I walked back over to Lyra who was still nibbling the same piece of toast

"How are you feeling?


"Do you want anything besides that piece of toast?"

"I'm okay I don't need much"

"Lyra it's okay you need to eat" I said handing her a piece of bacon from my plate "I have a question are you up for meeting the alpha of this pack and his heir?"

"That's okay"

"Are you sure? It's okay if you don't"

"Yeah it's fine I just want you to be here too"

"Of course, little wolf I'm not going to leave your side. I will have Jeremy let them know they can come by later"

We sat there in silence for a short period of time as she slowly ate the piece of bacon and I ate the plate Jeremy had brought me.

"Do you want more?" I asked as Lyra watched me eat.

"No I-I- I'm sorry for being a pig"she gently shook and looked at me with worried eyes.

"Lyra what do you mean a pig? You barely ate anything" I asked as I gently took her hand in mine to calm her down.

"I-I'm not allowed I'm fat I know better I won't do it again Alpha Keegan I'm sorry" the words spewed from her mouth as she shook pulling away from me tears filling her eyes.

"Hey hey it's okay Lyra" I spoke softly trying to calm her as I reached out for her. Tears filled my eyes as I watched my tiny mate gripped by panic. Skol growled in my head vowing to destroy anyone who hurt his mate but then whined as she flinched at my touch.

She just kept mumbling the words "I'm sorry alpha" and she curled into the fetal position shaking in the hospital bed.

I was frozen not knowing what to do for her, I didn't want to lose any trust I had gained by having the doctor give her medicine or scare her but I needed to do something. I slowly moved to find the things she was brought in with hoping they would calm her, I grabbed the sketchbook and carried it to the edge of her bed and sat it down.

I backed away giving her the space she needed to calm down, knowing when I was like this myself that is what I needed. I watched as after a few minutes she slowly picked up the sketchbook and began to flip though it still shaking. She flipped through the pages stopping every few seconds to methodically trace her finger over sketches of different flowers and trees sketched out within the pages.

She was calming down with each flower traced with her fingers. Realizing the flowers calmed her I quickly mind linked Jeremy to buy every flower in the pack and bring them to her room.

I moved closer to her and began humming a song my mother would sing for me when I was a child to calm me. "Lyra honey can you look at me" I reached out a hand to touch her shoulder. She turned to me with puffy  bloodshot eyes and tears still streaming down her face then back to the sketchbook where I now saw a sketch of 2 males one older and one a young boy both of which I recognized. The sketch was of the late alpha Remus Brightstone and his son Aiden Brightstone she whispered as her fingers lingered over the sketch "I'm sorry".

"Lyra can you tell me who they are to you?" I asked as I moved her hair from her face gently sitting on the side of the bed.

"My dad and brother" she choked out turning to look at me "he killed them and took us"

"Who is us?" I rubbed her back as I asked "if you are okay to talk about it"

"My mom but she is gone now too it's all my fault" she cried leaning into me for comfort.

"Hey it's okay let it out it's not your fault Lyra" I assured her just as a gentle knock was heard from the door.

Jeremy poked his head in "I have a delivery for a Luna Lyra" he chuckled as he walked in with two large flower arrangements followed by 2 nurses each pushing carts full of flowers into the room.

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