chapter 9

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Lyra's POV

Darkness took me but I could still feel the gentle electric tingles radiating through my body causing the pain to disapate and my fear to melt away. The only thing holding me in reality was the gentle tingles that pulled me back with each wave beconning me back to the handsome man with the eyes like ice. The tingles and reality faded as someone took me from his presence, the blackness was overwhelming crashing over my subconscious wave after wave crushing me with each second we were apart.

Time disappeared as I was alone in my mind, I called for Arya but there was no reply. Anxiety gripped me fearing I had already lost her after just meeting her, but a gentle presence calmed me.

Memories played in my mind showing my past both good and bad, I realized the bad outweighted the good by a long shot.

I thought of my brother, black hair like my mother's and golden eyes like mine, and the games we played as children running through the pack house or by the training grounds as our parents trained. I remembered my father, his short auburn hair and green eyes, after training with the warriors he would let Aiden and I 'fight' him. He would let us win pretending that two pups had taken down a feared alpha, after this he would scoop me up and throw me in the air causing me to giggle. Then memories of my mother came at first they were happy her singing to me as a child, kissing scraped knees and checking for monsters in the closets.

The bad memories came hard and fast each punch, kick and cut replaying over and over again, my mother's death at the hands of the monsters, and every time they tried to take me in bed. After all of this silence fell and a small sliver of light could be seen.  I rushed towards the light and could once again feel the gentle tingles as the darkness lifted and I was standing in the same clearing I had met Arya in. I looked around as saw Arya lying under the tree, as I approched I noticed she wasn't waking up but I could see her breathing as I rubbed her fur. She was still covered in mud from our escape and her paws were raw and bloody  from the distance she covered. I sat beside her feeling tired myself as I moved in closer to her.

"We made it Arya, our mate saved us" I whispered and I closed my eyes as I laid down beside my wolf. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep lulled by the gentle waves of tingles as they washed over me.

I don't know how long I slept there with Arya but I was woken by a gentle humming. When I opened my eyes there was a beautiful young woman sitting next sitting next to us running her hands through a still sleeping Arya's fur. Golden light shimmered through her fur at the touch, making her fur turn from white to a brilliant golden color.

The woman seemed to pay me no mind as I slowly stirred and sat up to look at her. She was wearing a long flowing white dress with gold accents, her hair was the color of night, and she seemed to glow slightly.

"Fear me not my child for I am Selene" she said as she looked my way.

I sat there dumbfounded, no words came from my mouth as I sat there slack jawed watching the moon goddess pet my wolf.

She chuckled "Lyra do you know how the wolf spirits work? Not many do"

I shook my head "No Moon Goddess"

"Very well, in the very beginning I created 20 wolves meant to carve out a place for my people throughout the world. Each of the first wolf spirits were given different gifts some gained speed or strength, others gained powers or control over elements." She paused and looked at my now golden wolf then me.

"After the first twenty shifters were made I created more wolf spirits, who when not with a shifter live in my lands, without gifts to populate the new packs and clans. Very rarely do the first twenty spirits end up on earth except in times of trouble and strife for my people. Arya here is one of those first wolves, she has the powers of healing and control over nature. Your mates wolf Skol is also one of my original wolves containing power over lightening, storms, and fire."

"But why would I have a powerful wolf? I am weak and useless"  I asked.

"You are not weak or useless Lyra, you are to be a great leader of our kind and help create peace and prosperity among all packs"

"But I don't even know how to act around people." My face fell knowing that I would be useless.

"You will, your mate and pack will help you learn. There will be bumps along the way and hardships but you will make it with their help but we weary not everyone will want to help you or be trusted but Arya will help navigate that"

I didn't know what to say as I sat in the presence of the moon goddess of all people "thank you" it was all I could get out.

"Oh my child you don't have to thank me just take good care of my other children" she smiled at me "now you have been here long enough you need to get back to your mate but Arya still needs to rest and will be with you in time"

She reached out and took my hand "good luck Lyra".

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