Chapter 15

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"I know" It was all I could respond as this god of a man the Moon Goddess chose for me stared down at me like no one else was watching.

After a few seconds of just taking in each other he slowly sat me back down on the bed. I moved to the edge again and slowly put both feet on the ground and bit back a scream as I leaned into Keegan's side taking a few steps. His touch soothed the pain radiating up my leg as we walked the few yards to a small sitting area in the room where Jeremy was. Doctor Willowbranch commented on how strong I was despite everything that had happened to me in the past. I thanked her and she promised she would be back in a few hours to check on me again.

We sat down with Jeremy and just as the doctor left there was a knock on the door.

"Can we come in King Keegan?" A gruff older voice rang out.

Keegan looked at me for confirmation before responding in the positive. I watched as two men walked in the door the first a middle aged man, his black hair beginning to grey at the temples, his blue eyes shown happily as he looked around. Then I went pale, behind this kind looking older man stood a ghost, a piece of my past long thought lost. Aiden, my sweet older brother, his black hair was cut short now his eyes still the same gold however they were no longer bright and filled with life they looked dull and sad now he looked tired, his hair was disheveled and dark circles had taken residence under his eyes.

"Aiden" I whispered under my breath tears threatened to fall and I  scrambled to and stand up and get to him. Pain wracked me but I needed to get to him to feel him to make sure it really was my brother and not some trick of the mind.

Keegan quickly jumped up to help me make my way over to the men standing just inside the doorway.  The older man introduced himself and said he was so glad to meet me as the Luna of King Keegan but his words were muffled as I continued to stare past him to the man I believed to be my brother. He stared back at me with no emotion on his face his mouth barely agape and he began to move towards Keegan and I as well.

"L-lyra? Is it really you?" I heard him whisper to himself as he walked.

Tears fell as we met in the middle of the room, Keegan held me closely as Aiden and I made sure the other was truly there. My arms wrapped around his neck not wanting to let go, refusing to loose him again. We stood there for what felt like forever just holding each other and crying.

"P-please forgive me" Aiden spoke through the tears "I am so sorry I failed you as a brother. I should have come for you"

His words broke my heart, my past wasn't his fault, I hadn't known he lived so I didn't resent him for not finding me. I rubbed small circles on his back as he continued to break down "It's okay Aiden" I managed to speak through my tears as Keegan held me up.

We finally let go of each other, Keegan dried the tears from my cheeks, pulled me up into his arms and guided our guest to the sitting area.

The older man chuckled as he sat down "well I take you know my heir, Aiden, my queen, I am Alpha Eli."

"Yes" was all I could muster and I looked between all of the men sat around me. Part of me was waiting for something horrible to happen. I had no wolf at the moment and every other interaction with men I have had in the last 14 years have been horrific and scarring. I could feel myself beginning to shake as I curled in on myself into Keegan's side as all eyes fell onto me.

Keegan ran small circles up and down my arms to calm me "Lyra, it's okay no one in this room would ever hurt you." I still shook but sat quietly by Keegan's side as he took the attention off of me by starting a conversation.

"So have the trackers found anything else?"

"No my king but rest assured no one will rest until we have answers" Aiden spoke up.

"Good once we return to my pack I will be sending additional trackers and a group of warriors to aid your pack in case they attack"

Then men carried on with this conversation making guesses at what the rogues were doing and where they were, I couldn't allow them to go on a wild goose hunt and get men killed I knew I needed to speak up but I feared it would only make them angry. I gently nudged Keegans arm to gain his attention hoping that my interruption would not anger him.

He looked down at me his blue eyes glinting with curiosity as he shushed the others to allow me to talk freely "yes my love" were the words that flowed from his mouth as the room went quite. All eyes were on me again as I pushed my fear aside I couldn't bring my voice above a whisper but spoke regardless "you won't find them".

The words that came out of my mouth were hard to swallow, I knew I would always be looking over my shoulder waiting to be taken or killed. Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes as I thought of the fact I would never truly be free from my past. Keegan snaked a finger under my chin and gently lifted forcing my eyes to meet his, there was something different about them now I watched as grey swirled in the darkening blue of his eyes.

He gently wiped the tears from my cheeks as he kissed my forehead sending sparks radiating throughout my body.

"We will even if it is the last thing I do." He whispered against my forehead and for a moment the world around me melted away and it was just the two of us.

After our moment we were pulled back to reality by the group, as my brother spoke up.

**Authors note**

Sorry for the long gap between posting life have been absolutely hectic with work and personal issues. I am hoping to post at least 2 other updates this week and get back on weekly updates (some weeks you may get 2) now that things are slowing down. Thank you to everyone that had been reading and let me know what you are wanting to see coming up.

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