chapter 8

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I thanked him for the information deciding to tell him my thoughts when she was awake. I sat pulling the sketchbook out and slowly flipped through looking at the artwork making a mental note to set up a studio full of any supplies she could ever need. The voices around me were muffled as I sat flipping through the book as the rest of the room made plans and ate dinner brought to us by staff.

Tears pooled at the corners of my eyes thinking of the things this gentle and talented soul had been put through. Skol whined in my head wanting to see his mate again worried the worst would happen. I thought back to finding her hours earlier her pale skin seemed to glow in the moon light, freckles dotted her cheeks and nose, a deep gash cut her face but it made no difference to me if anything it showed how strong she was. Her hair even matted and covered in mud and blood was a beautiful auburn, she was tiny, skin and bones, but the was perfect in every way. I wanted nothing more to take her away and treat her like the queen she was.

After what felt like eternity the older female doctor walked in the room still in her scrubs from surgery.

"King Keegan" she stated pulling me from my thoughts "she is out of surgery but not out of the woods. We have done everything we can and it is up to her now, it seems her wolf isn't healing her for some reason be that she is weak or dead, but she seems strong."

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at her unblinking, tears burning my eyes, the storm inside reaching a new level.

"before we bring her in my king please prepare yourself she is hooked to several machines but it looks as if she has been tortured for years, some of the injuries we worked on were not new" she looked at her feet and I could feel the anger and sorrow rolling off the doctor.

"Thank you Dr. Willowbranch" I could hear Jeremy answer for me.

They rolled in her bed, Skol forced a mournful howl as we saw our mate in this state, I moved my chair closer knowing this was where I would stay until she was awake. I was mindful of the wires and tubes running from her as I gently took her tiny hand in mine, the only skin not covered in thick bandages was on her hands and face. The electric tingles of the mate bond danced on my finger tips causing anger to grow at not being there to save her sooner.

Lightning crashed outside and the thunder shook the earth a storm raged both outside and within me, I knew it was my fault but I didn't care, my mate laid before me fighting for her life because I hadn't been there sooner but I made a vow to be there from now on. I settled into my chair and just stared at her delicate features knowing I wouldn't move until her golden eyes opened.

I took in her features fully now as the nurses had cleaned and washed her. The skin not covered in bruising was light almost porcelain, her flame colored auburn hair stood in stark contrast as it fell on either side of her delicate face. Her full pink lips busted open, her eyes blackened and a deep gash from cheek to cheek yet she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I sat mesmerized by her beauty counting the freckles I could make out through the purple and blue bruises.

Time seemed to be at the standstill as I sat here with her, the noises of the hospital muffled and distant. A hand falling on my shoulder drew me out of my own thoughts. Looking beside me I saw Jeremy standing there sorrow filled his eyes.

"I sent everyone else back to the pack house to get some rest, Cillian and the warriors are going to start training in the morning" he pulled a chair up beside me.

All I could do was nod in response to him still staring straight ahead at my mate, I didn't even know her name and it killed me.

"how are you holding up Keegan?

"I feel like this is my fault."

"Keegan you can't think that way" he sighed sitting beside me "you saved her dude"

He was right if we hadn't came today who knows what would have happened in the forest would the pack have saved her or would whoever was chasing her have taken her back and killed her.

"Thanks, can you fill in Cade and Wren about what happened, have Wren go shopping for her and get an art studio set up, tell Cade he is in charge until she can be moved and don't tell my father I don't want him to know until we figure out who she is." I just rattled off tasks for him "try to get more information on the people who were chasing her"

He agreed to everything immediately started making phone calls and getting things set up. The next few days were a blur, I never moved from my spot at her side save to shower or change clothes but left the door open never letting her out of my sight. It was a constant parade of doctors and nurses coming in to check vitals, change bandages, and check her healing.

Dr. Willowbranch assured me that she was healing nicely albeit slow. She imagined it wouldn't be too long before she would be awake and able to be moved. The gash across her face had healed leaving a scar, meaning the monster has used a silver knife on her. I wondered what the rest of her body looked like under the bandages but never asked to see knowing it would only anger me.

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