chapter 6

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We finally made it to the Emerald Moon Pack and were met by Alpha Eli Twoclaw, an older man in his mid 40s tall but still in peak physical condition,and  his beta Charles Lonefang. Also with them was the appointed heir to this pack Aiden Brightstone his parents had been the alpha  Luna of a neighboring pack killed about 14 years ago and he had been taken in by Alpha Eli and his mate who were unable to have children of their own.

"So alpha I hear you have a bit of a rogue problem?" I asked as we made our way towards the pack house.
Just as these words passed my lips a pained howl that shook the trees could be heard causing Skol to try and take control "mate" he whined in my head as I kept control. More howls could be heard in the same direction those were angry and savage like rabid dogs on the hunt.

The Alpha's eyes glazed over then looked back at me " You can see for yourself King Keegan, my warrior inform me there are rouges near our western borders"

I didn't need to hear more as Skol took over running towards the howls closely followed by the others. I had no sympathy for rogues, they had killed by mother, younger brother and countless others in the name of cruelty. Skol found enjoyment in killing them when given the chance they were ruthless but I was worse.

As we made it to the border I smelled it lavender and sea spray Skol howled the word I had been waiting to hear, but my heart quickly dropped as I smelled the blood that mixed with it. Skol lost control running harder focused on one thing protecting our mate. We ran into a battle already in progress at least 20 rogues surrounded the 5 warriors from this pack who had been on patrol in the area and in the middle of all of it I saw a man hovering over something or someone. I let out a murderous howl to let everyone know I meant business and quickly got to work. My howl seemed to strike fear into the hearts of many of the rogues causing half of them to turn and try to run including the man in the middle of the fray.

Skol made quick work of the ones dumb enough to try and fight but was focused on the man in the middle. As we drew nearer the man looked over at us mumbled something then quickly shifted and ran away deeper into the woods leaving whatever it was he was on top of. When he moved away her scent hit me lavender and sea spray but mixed heavily with the metallic tang of blood, I shifted at the sight of her mangled blood soaked body and quickly ran to her yelling instructions as I went.

"someone get trackers on them I want to know where they went!" I was trying to stay composed as the tears threatened to fall with each step closer to her, I could feel the storm within me raging threatening to break free.

"Got it Alpha, Cillian and Aiden are already on it" I could only assume it was Jeremy who answered as  sounds around me became muffled as I got to her.

There on the ground in a bloody and mangled heap was my mate the other half of my soul and I shattered, my normally cool and hard exterior broke releasing a flood of emotions. Tears fell as I slowly pulled her lifeless body to me as faint sparks raced up my arms from the contact and I could now hear a heartbeat is was faint and slow but there. Her eyes fluttered open revealing brilliant golden orbs with flecks of green and blue staring back at me and a single word escaped her lips before she lost consciousness "mate". A sorrowful howl passed my lips as the moon rose above us and I scooped her further into my arms to move her.

"She needs a doctor! Someone inform the pack hospital to be ready!" My voice was deep and low as Skol threatened to take over again as I began to run.

I ran to the pack hospital as fast as my legs would carry me tears falling as I looked upon my mates small and broken body. I sent a prayer to Selene asking to spare her life and allow her live as I had just found her, promising to treat her as the queen and Luna she was.

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