chapter 14

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Lyra's POV

I watched as Keegan's beta Jeremy popped his head in the door holding flowers announcing they were for me. I couldn't help the smile that crept to my face as I watched more and more flowers being brought into the room. I hadn't seen real flowers since I was taken 14 years ago, the flowers I had sketched had been from memory or my dreams.

I turned to Keegan seeing him smile down at me, his blue eyes glowing with happiness and love.

"Are they really for me?" I asked, tears filling my eyes as I truly took in the number of flowers now in my room.

"They are" Keegan replied whipping the tears still clinging to my cheek "I noticed they helped calm you during your panic attack and I wanted you to be as comfortable as possible my little mate"

I couldn't help myself as I wrapped my arms around Keegan's neck pulling him into a tight hug "thank you" I whispered as I nuzzled into his neck taking in his scent.

"Of course, you are my mate I would do anything for you" he replied as he breathed in my scent.

I relaxed my grip on him and laid back in the bed looking at the rainbow of colors surrounding my room. He relaxed down into his chair and Jeremy pulled a chair over and plopped down looking between the two of us.

"Sounds like the alpha and his heir are going to be coming by with in the hour" Jeremy spoke up as he looked at his phone.

"Okay" Jeremy said looking at me "are you sure you are okay with it Lyra?"

"Y-yeah" was my response but on the inside my mind was swimming terrified about how another alpha would feel about a rogue being in his territory even if they were the mate of another.

After responding I laid in the bed watching and listening as Keegan and Jeremy spoke with each other regarding pack business. I absentmindedly flipped through the pages of my sketchbook landing on a page with a small blank spot and began to look for my pencils.

The pencils sat just a few inches from me on a small table and not wanting to interrupt Keegan and Jeremy's conversation I decided to get them myself. I slowly moved to reposition myself and I could feel my muscles strain after days of being immobile.

I winced as I continued to stretch  my fingertips grazing the pencil box. My body rolling under me as I reached causing me to hit my head on the bar keeping me from rolling out of the bed. A small gasp escaped my lips as my head bounced off the bar and my fingers pushed the tin farther away from me.

The tin clattered to the floor as I pulled my hand back to inspect the knot I could feel forming. The noise of the tin falling to the floor ripped Keegan and Jeremy from their conversation turning to me worry filling their faces as they looked my way.

"S-s-sorry alpha" I sputtered "I- I didn't mean to interrupt you and the beta"

"Lyra" my name softly rolling off his tongue as he held up a hand towards me "it's okay. You are allowed to interrupt us any time you want you are my mate and our Luna"

I could feel the warm sticky liquid begin to coat my fingers as I kept my hand to the knot on my head and the smell of copper reached my nose.

"Jeremy please go get a nurse" Keegan softly spoke while keeping eye contact with me "Lyra please let me see your head I can smell the blood"

I slowly moved my hand away from just above my eye and allowed Keegan to move closer whipping the blood with his thumb. "Are you okay?" Is all he asked sadness filling his eyes.

I just nodded my head embarrassed about the whole situation. I knew it would take time for this to heal especially with Arya still being asleep and my body was exhausted. After a few minutes Jeremy came back in follow by the doctor who was carrying a small tray of bandages and other supplies.

"Dr. Willowbranch was already headed this way to try and get the Luna out of bed" Jeremy explained as he walked in.

The doctor made her way to my bedside asking Keegan to move his hand so she could see and slowly began cleaning the cut along my eyebrow. I winced as she cleaned the new wound not used to having a disinfectant used garnering a low growl from Keegan.

Dr. Willowbranch just chuckled as she continued about her job "Now Luna I am going to unhook some of these machines and try to get you out of this bed"

She made quick work of unplugging the machines and tubes freeing up my movement in the bed. I flexed my arms with this new freedom and couldn't help but smile as Keegan stared on his emotions showing on his face.

"So doc how long do you think it will be until we can head back to Shadow Moon?" Keegan asked as the doctor was finishing.

"I would like her to stay in our pack one more night just to be safe but she should be good to go home with you tomorrow" she responded "now Luna lets try to get you out of this bed and walking around if you are up for it"

I looked around the room nervously I knew that my legs were weak and it would be just another reason Keegan could reject me a king needs a strong mate after all not some week girl who can barely stand. I slowly nodded agreeing to be helped out of bed, Dr. Willowbranch slowly uncovered my legs revealing even more angry red scars over older silvered scars. I saw the look on Jeremy's face fall and his eyes slightly glaze over knowing this meant he was mind linking someone.

Keegan stifled a growl his eyes glazing over as he quickly moved to my side to help me out of the bed.

I knew I needed to be strong and show my inner strength and resolve but my raw and still healing feet touched the cold linoleum floor I couldn't help but scream out at the pain. Quick as a flash I was swept into Keegan's arms held tightly to his warm chest looking up at the sadness playing at his features.

"I'm okay Keegan" I mustered up the courage to touch his cheek "I have been in worse shape before. It was just a shock you can let me down"

"But I can keep you from being in pain until you are better" he just looked down at me and the only emotion I could see in his eyes was love.

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